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Vic Mackey

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Posts posted by Vic Mackey

  1. Lulz, no, just no.
    NL will absolutely switch at some point and it will be for the better. Such a specialized position should not bat. It makes a mockery of the game sending a guy who does not even work at batting nor cares. It's idiotic.
  2. DH is pussy bullshit
    I guess you would enjoy kickers and punters being forced to play offense and defense huh?

    This isn't little league. Being a pitcher is a very specific talent that they craft their whole time. They don't worry about batting nor should they. The fact the NL makes them bat and passes it off as in the integrity of the game is bullshit. And then all the talk of double switches and strategy that the neanderthal AL fans and managers just don't understand. Yeah, whatever you have to hide behind.

    NL will eventually switch to a DH.
    • Like 2
  3. "I need drug test help! I have to report Monday morning and I sipped a cup with my homie Friday night. We poured an ace and a half and I only had one cup. I spilled like half of it too so I basically had half a cup. Will I be clean. I wouldn’t have done it but I had my days mixed up. I don’t do it everyday either. It’s been months since I drank"

  4. 9 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Are you telling me you don't like Carlisle, either?

    Better question, is there a coach for a team you follow that you do like?

    Where did I say I didn't like Carsisle? Quit reaching. That is a flaw of Carsisle, though. He's too much of a dictator. Especially to young players.. Every coach has a flaw. Rondo didn't work here because he was not allowed to do what he does. You think he just forgot how to play basketball in Dallas and then learned how to play again immediately after leaving.

    So many on here get their panties in a wad when you criticize certain coaches. I didn't know Carsisle was above criticism. He's a head coach who has strengths and weaknesses. Spurs fans criticize Pop and he has 5 rings. So yes, I would say he is not above criticism for that failed experiment. Rondo could have acted more professionally, though so he has blame too.

    • Like 1
  5. He does suck.....the abilities of his teammates away. He is a great player but has to do so at the expense in others. Players improve when they leave and regress when they play with him. OKC needs a real point guard to ever have a chance with Russ, but will have to be someone who can tell him he looks fat in those pants. 
    He's a great player but he sucks? You make a lot of sense.
  6. 1 minute ago, Machinator said:

    Not at all. Embiid out for who knows how long, inexperienced stars, and we don't know how the 76ers will do with the slower pace of the playoffs.

    Agreed. And Spoelstra is not a terrible coach and I trust the Heat a little more. The real test is when the Sixers go on the road in the playoffs. So many I have seen are automatically putting the Sixers into the ECF. They very well may do it but I am always cautious about teams who are made up of no playoff experience. Should be a fun series either way. First year I can remember in a long time where I am more interested in the East 1st round than the West. The West matchups outside of OKC/Utah do nothing for me.

  7. Sloppy game a lot it. Raptors finally break that Game 1 curse. Game changed after that questionable flagrant call in the early 4th. 

    Lowry and Derozan finally came alive after a shit ass 1st half.

  8. Sure, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that Wentz will probably be one of, if not the best qb in the league for the next 10 years if he can come back from this knee injury as the same guy. He's way too talented for anyone to call him a scrub. 

    That's a pretty bold prediction for a guy was has not accomplished jack shit. What has he did that Dak hasn't? Well besides have one of the better defenses in the league to rely on. And a really good coaching staff.


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