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Vic Mackey

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Posts posted by Vic Mackey

  1. "Butler is another big receiver for the Cardinals to try and mold into a breakout player."
    Good luck. There really aren't that many 28 year old breakout players in the NFL.
    Butler seemed to do good when Dez was not playing. He didn't get a fair shot here. I'll take him any day over TWill.
  2. 6 minutes ago, Okie State said:
    2 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
    There's a law where you have to either pull over to another lane or slow down 20 to 30mph under the speed limit if an emergency vehicle has their lights on

    This is true. I was pulled over once for not changing lanes for a HiPo that had someone pulled over. His buddy lit me up as I drove by. Had no idea that was a law at the time.

    Yeah I think this became a law over a decade ago. 

  3. Can't tell you how many times idiots on I-35 between Austin and Ft Worth have almost caused a pile up by doing this exact thing on a heavy traffic day.
    You don't have to slam on your brakes and slow down to 40 miles an hour just because a cop pulled over some dumbfuck.
    There's a law where you have to either pull over to another lane or slow down 20 to 30mph under the speed limit if an emergency vehicle has their lights on
  4. Ready for more eye rolling "news" stories? Check this out. Lmao. If that is even Dak in those blurry pics, it is clearly a black & mild. Still looks to have the wrapper on that they come with. Gotcha media at its finest.

    Here's the pic so you don't make their views climb up.



  5. Let’s see how we look at the end of the month before the rebuild talk starts. Losing 3 out of 4 to the best team in baseball isn’t season defining. I actually thought the starting pitchers and the bullpen did okay, but we looked shitty on defense and hitting. Hitting will come around, but I’m afraid we’re stuck with the defense we have. Maz needs to move to 1B soon.
    I mean you can try and put band aids on a flesh wound if you want but this thing won't get better by patching together a rotation like we have. Plus, this is the easiest month we have.
  6. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    I had a free little Caesar's thanks to UMBC.. don't want to look at the nutrition facts on a deep dish personal from there

    Was going to get it but then I saw they only offer it from 1130am-1pm local time. And it was already 1245pm by the time I noticed. I haven't ate there in probably 5 years. But I'm all about free shit.

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