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Posts posted by Asithappens

  1. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    Beto O'Rourke had no recognition outside Texas, and basically none inside Texas.

    I think Beto has more name recognition inside Texas than you give him credit for.

  2. I wonder how many of those farmers voted for Trump, and it's not like Trump hid the ball with his nationalistic trade policy. 

    But hey, the farmers will get yet another gubmint handout, perhaps to the tune of $12 billion. 

    Farmer welfare, gotta love it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Gengs1 said:

    That vote to them won’t matter at they leave congress, you know how much other shit they did that should hunt them but won’t, it’s just another vote for them

    That vote will actually help them. 

    Voting no would probably have shut the door to K Street for them.

  4. 3 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Yes, because winnable human beings read that and think, "Fine, you know what, I was on the fence about making sure the sick had care, but now that someone exaggerated in a Tweet, I want them to die now."

    Concern trolling is weak and #sad

    My point was about voting and the effect on political parties. 

    You seem to be very, very out of the loop regarding our current political process.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Kinda hard to blame the democrats for not trying to check Trump’s abuses of power.

    Look what happened when they went hard to the paint with Kavanaugh, it nearly backfired and people actually think Kavanaugh was the real victim in that.

    Just another example of how much is riding on this election. 

    The power is supposed to reside with the people but when the person who gets the most votes loses to a guy who got millions fewer, I start to naturally question who is really in control.

    The comparison between Trump here and Kavanaugh is not on point, imo. The Dems did a poor job with Kavanaugh, which once again points to their general political incompetence. And I think it didn't nearly backfire, it did backfire. 

    The Dems can't help but trip over their own vaginas. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    How the hell did they get Bethune Cookman (sounds like a) High School on their schedule at this point in the year?

    It has to do with the cancellation of that earlier game, iirc.

    *** edit *** the Akron game that was canceled.


  7. 14 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    best 1-6 team in the country yo

    That is such an aggy, er, nebby thing to say.

    But who knows? Maybe Nebraska will get average, even good. They need to start scheduling a lot more Bethune-Cookmans if they want that to happen.

  8. 5 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Remember when Mack Brown was on his way out he told John Bonney he should “look around” at other programs while literally have a rule that if commits “look around” he’s cutting them off. Mack is still bitter about being let go.

    Mack makes Bo Pelini look good. Not really, but there are similarities.

  9. 4 hours ago, lemonlime said:

    JFC, can someone please tell him who pays the tariffs?  Not that he'll understand.  I want off this timeline of idiocy.

    No kidding.

    Problem is that his supporters are too stupid to see through this.

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