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Posts posted by Asithappens

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    You're right, it's not weird. It's dumb and sexist. 


    Maybe sexist. But not necessarily dumb. It's a social/gender-based convention. If you want to tilt at that windmill, then go ahead. I won't say that you're wrong, other than saying it's not weird that women are primarily the gender that gets called "shrill and whiny". It's fairly commonplace. 

  2. Just now, Chrispy said:

    She embellished her Native American ancestry to Harvard and Penn, you can’t  be this naive. 

    Haven't read all the posts in re this, but wasn't the question whether Harvard promoted her based on her Indian-ness?

    This isn't the same thing.

  3. Just now, Fozzz said:

    You sound like a sociopath, Asithappens.  You should get that checked out.

    Hm, you sound like a "progressive". Might want to get that checked out.

    I'm not advocating all this, but let's get adult and real. The US has dealt with other bad regimes and while SA needs us more than we need them, in the big scheme of things one dead journalist isn't worth seriously roiling the waters. It just isn't. Our play is to use harsh words but is this really worth losing weapons sales and all the $ and jobs at Boeing et al ? I don't think so. We should do something, but not to the extent it may significantly harm the US.

  4. Just now, SameSame said:

    This situation would be a lot different if a video of the killing somehow surfaced.

    Not really. Only in the sense that SA would probably back down. 

    We don't want to become like Canada, imo, when it comes to being a world moral spokesman. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, RPM said:

    Warren is everything the "conservatives" hate. She's in favor of consumer protections and prosecuting Wall Street bankers.

    Warren has no shot, imo. She comes across as too shrill and whiny. Moreso than HRC. 

    Maybe VP material. 

  6. Imo, in terms of real/geo-politics Trump (as inartful as he is) is correct with Saudi Arabia. Losing the military sales over one dead journalist isn't worth it. 

    We (as in the USA) have dealt with bad regimes before when it was in our best interests. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Is Baylor better or worse than OSU?

    How many points is a road game worth versus a home game?

    Did you see Shane Saturday?  Did you see him almost throw 2 more pics for 3 total?  Sure, he could improve (though only marginally); it could also get a lot worse. I’m serious: we could lose every remaining game with him starting. 

    It's possible that you may be correct. I don't think so, but who knows. 

    My bigger question is if that's what you really think then why do you even bother being a Longhorn fan? 

    Take the win.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    our morality or our money? hmmmmm which one is our beloved President going to choose?

    Eh, most politicians choose the money. And most Americans don't have too much of a problem with that.

    If you're looking for morality out of politicians then, well, you're not going to find it.

  9. On 10/1/2018 at 3:41 PM, mulletpelini said:

    That's at least a more substantive argument based with some fact.  I think they're gonna pull an upset on Minnesota. 

    Yeah, and the Longhorns were gonna have what, 3 wins at this point in the season?


    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, A Cellar Honker said:

    “I believe her!”

    Really? Why should anyone believe her?

    1. Sexual assault is kind of common with young girls.

    2. She appeared to be a quite credible witness.

    I can see why one may not believe her, but to ask why anyone would believe her is just trolling, imo.


  11. 50 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The problem with thinking this will negatively affect Democrats is that independents aren't going to vote based on Kavanaugh. They are going to vote because they hate Donald Trump.

    I'll believe it (the Inds voting against Trump in large numbers) when I see it. 

    This upcoming election could  very well be Hillary 2.0. 

  12. Not a BK/Trump/GOP fan at all, but imo the Dems (once again) showed their organizational incompetence. They (Dems) would have been better off avoiding this whole ordeal. 

    I think Feinstein was in a tough spot with the letter, but in hindsight she chose poorly in how she handled Ford's letter.

  13. 1 minute ago, Valmy77 said:

    I predicted back in 2011 that Nebraska leaving the conference would destroy their program. I would claim that I have prophetic powers but that was so obvious only somebody as out of touch as the University of Nebraska administration would not have seen that coming. Going head to head with Ohio State, Michigan, and Notre Dame for limited rust belt talent? Recipe for disaster.

    Yeah, I wonder what their "thinking" was on how going to the Big Ten would affect their recruiting. 

    Bold strategy. Didn't work out.

  14. 3 minutes ago, BigXII said:

    The funniest thing about Nebraska being down is that nobody seems to care. When teams like USC or Michigan or Texas are down, lots and lots and lots of articles scrutinizing everything they do right or wrong, questioning when they will be back. There is intense pressure for those schools to rebound quickly. Articles written every year they're not back in the top 25.

    Nebraska? They've been down for a while now, and nobody seems to bat an eye. I'd imagine most of the country flat out forgets Nebraska exists unless they are in the top 25.

    Yeah. In a way I pity Nebraska fans. They have nothing else in their lives. Nothing. 

    As far as I care, the football gods can take massive dumps on that program for 1,000 years b/c of what they did to Frank Solich. 


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