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Posts posted by Brothahorn

  1. When did coachwhips become good snakes?

    Snek.  In the chicken run.  Was kinda dead when it tried to get out through the garden netting and got stuck.  Was very dead when wife found it and got after it with the shovel.  
    Coachwhip.  I think?  
    I know, I know... Good snake.  But not good snake when it's going after the chicken eggs.  And tough to revive em once they get caught in that netting.  

  2.  There is nothing anyone is going to say to you that is going to make you change your mind, so why would I waste our time? Bottom line, he plays the game a certain way, and that way doesn't meet your approval. We will leave it at that. However, he IS rewriting record books every year. The last two standing might be rings and all time points(though he will likely finish second). At some point we need to give the man his due.

    He is easily the 2nd best to ever play, imo. His Finals run is amazing. But he will never pass Jordan. No matter how many finals he loses. Specifically because he will lay it down at a certain point.
  3. 12 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    You mean like the 2015 finals? Or 2016 when they went down 3-1? Or last year? What the heck are you guys watching. If the guy doesn't get 60 then he quit?

    Being the Goat is based on the whole body of work. Are you seriously denying that LBJ has quit in playoff games/series before? 2009, 2010 ring any bells for starters?

  4. Cleveland is dangerously close to having LBJ check out on this series.  If the Cavs are trailing at half in Game 3 and come out cold, he might just quit on the floor.
    And that is why he will never be the true GOAT.

    It's about the heart, mental aspect.
  5. 25 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    Having 3 players from their trade deadline deals on the court simultaneously is grounds for LeBron's immediate firing.

    Fixed it for the truth.

  6. Having a good year. Counted 34 heifers and 11 calves, Sunday. My guy was feeling good. He was chasing a heifer all day trying to give her a Mother's Day gift.


    Spraying for flies this weekend, what do you guys use?

  7. I agree. I would hate it if Houston had casinos. I enjoy having to go to Vegas or Lake Chuck to lose a grand. 
    What about Galveston?

    I would love a casino in Galveston, as opposed to traveling to that shitty state next door.
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