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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 9 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    So they built up Jon to be a great swordsman, and he literally didn't have a single meaningful fight in a season full of war. Putting him on a dragon at Winterfell was utterly pointless. Greyworm vs. Jon was right there for them. It made plenty of sense, and two characters we generally like fighting each other has been pretty damn memorable in the past (Brienne and the Hound). I guess it made TOO much sense.

    Also, the Unsullied take his sword when he's going to visit a prisoner that they're going to execute anyway, but he gets to keep his weapons visiting the queen alone on a day when her Hand has already turned on her. Not great, Bob.


    Greyworm vs JOhn would've been epic.  


    Jon's visit to the queen was unauthorized, btw.  He just found her.  

    Again, I'm gonna say Bran, you're a real asshole.  The council is going to be concerned about the unsullied?  GMAB.  

  2. 7 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    That’s what went on for 72 episodes.  After defeating the army of the dead and burning cities to the ground seems like cooler heads finally prevailed due to exhaustion of treachery. 

    I’m somewhat down with that.  My anger is again who the fuck is greyworm calling the shots?  You’re the golden company with better tights.  Gtfo

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, mr.goodkat said:

    bran is the history keeper . he knows all the nk wanted to wipe out all man and their history . bran is not hindered by emotion even with the man that crippled him . ying / yang  yada yada . benjen stark died helping jon escape the horde of ww after the first dragon died .  cersi and jaimie dying together being crushed by a symbol of their(lannister)  power "the red keep " i agree it was ....under whelming but was at least a stab at poetic . 

    Good post.  But remember, Jamie didn't care about power and Cersei was a steward of power.  So yeah, she was a bitch, and she fucked over a lot of people, but her death was just that, her death.  It's like being pissed that Marge Schott died of food poisoning.. Shit happens

  4. On 5/15/2019 at 6:47 AM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    You’re supposed to be pissed.  Dany seduced the audience (you) to the point no one saw it coming except the guy that pulled an Obi-wan Kenobi in front of Luke Skywalker to get him to resist the dark side.




    If you bros have been expecting predictability while watching this show, that's on you.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

    I can't believe how bad this scene is. Haven't watched it in years. All I can think of is Plinkett's voice saying "Supports Fascist Dictatorship!" X


    that's some diverse terrain.

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, Surlybastard said:

    You are the one who brought blame into this whole discussion. I don't care where you want to place the blame for any of it. What I said is she'd crazy and that no I didn't think the things she's experienced in the books/show would excuse what she did. Rhaegar isn't written as being crazy. He's written as being the opposite.

    Sorry, I think I was trying to agree with you.  Naija was basically saying why isn't Jon crazy.  My point is just because a lot of people in your family is crazy doesn't mean you are.

  7. 1 hour ago, RoyalBevo21 said:

    Which always comes back to "win and they will come." If Texas keeps winning it won't matter. I have the utmost respect for Texas HSFB, but the sandy vagina's some players and coaches get about having their ego's stroked by the local college coaches is pathetic. It's quite obvious UT wants the best athletes Texas has to offer but won't (nor should it) wait around while recruits go off and flirt with the LSU, Oklahoma, Alabama's of the world. Texas will fill your position with someone just as capable from another state. 

    +1.  I'll tell you what, if the coaches and players agree to let us pick our 25 first each year, we won't recruit out of state.  Last I've seen, most of the Texas players consider OOS schools.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    A long buildup to her going crazy wouldn’t have been entertaining.  And it would have made this episode too expected.  

    One scene, from this episode, that I go back and forth with in terms of believing, are the scenes of the peasants running to towards KL to get inside the walls. I understand the protection concept but the dragon makes the city the worst place to be.  And in Danys eyes, it means the peasants are basically the opposite of the slaves that revolted to support her in her previous conquest (meera?)

    these haven’t been my favorite episodes of GoT but I don’t understand the hate.  

    I still love the show.  As for peasants, they were most frightened by the fire, so they thought they could hide in the buildings.   But, they didn't know homeboy's tail can wreck shit too.

  9. 7 hours ago, SquishMitten said:

    I think we’ve all forgotten that there wasn’t a single one of us that expected this show to have a happy ending. And the majority of us assumed the show would outpace GRRM, which we knew would inevitably lead to an even shittier wrap up. We got great seasons while there was source material from the books, and we got something far less than that without them. There’s a reason so many of us are passionate about this - GRRM is arguably the best storyteller of our lifetimes (at least in this genre). If “anybody” could write this story, there wouldn’t be a separate thread for BFs and illiterati. I’ve voiced plenty of concerns about D&D, but they’ve probably done as good a job as anybody could have...other than not even knowing how to pronounce the names of central characters.

    With one episode left, I’ve given up on being pissed. Watched this last episode again with that mindset, and it was pretty enjoyable. I assume most illiterati are OK with how everything has gone. They don’t know how to read, so it’s not like their attention span is good enough to recognize gaping plot holes and character swings.  Looking forward to doing the same next week, and hopefully we’ll get books some day to salve the wounds. 

    Nope.  Illeterati thread has more anger than this one.  

  10. 7 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I think they set it up okay.  You don’t find out who someone really is until they face losing everything they have or want to have.  She already lost dragons, she lost her Missandei, and she lost the love of her Jon Snow.  All she wanted was her throne and she was on the verge of losing that too.  She would burn all of Westeros to prevent that from happening and I think that’s the takeaway. 

    Almost like a warning to anyone thinking of taking her crown.

  11. Just now, Surlybastard said:

    I don't blame her for anything. She's just a character on a show. I don't think what she's been through would somehow justify burning a city full of thousands of civilians though.

    You mean this is a fantasy?  What are you going to tell me next, that this doesn't take place on earth.  I think we can allow for some creative liberty, haven't said that D and D are perfect, but Dany going crazy isn't a stretch imo.

    2 minutes ago, Surlybastard said:

    Right but half his genes are full on inbred. So ya there's probably less of a chance he gets the crazy gene but there's still a chance of sorts I would say.

    yes, but Rhaegar didn't seem crazy right?

    Just now, Surlybastard said:



  12. 2 minutes ago, Surlybastard said:

    I mentioned that above. She has two major personality flaws. One is the things she was raised to believe about her and her family and the other is her crazy gene. Jon on the other hand has neither.

    And she could just be an inherently crazy bitch.  Schizos aren't schizos at 10, but they could be at 20.  Given whats happened to her in her short life, especially the last few years, can you blame her for cracking?

  13. 1 minute ago, Surlybastard said:

    I don't think that's an accurate analogy. Had Jon been raised with the idea he is Targaryan and with all the other bullshit Dany was maybe it would be sort of accurate but that's not part of Jon's persona. His genes aren't a weakness. Just as Martin goes out of his way to show that his father was an honorable and good person also.

    Maybe not, but my point is Targs seem more likely to go crazy than Starks, but Jon was raised correctly, DAny was raised by a douchebag, incestuous, power hungry, entitled brother. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, naija said:

    I didn't say that it should be expected that every Targaryen should be crazy, but through GRRM's histories, it wasn't strictly tied to being fully Targaryen. Also, Daenerys is the daughter of two Targaryens. But when you start picking things like a coin-flip to explain your decisions and conveniently leaving out other important parts of the novels where it doesn't fit, it comes off to me as being uninspired and lazy.

    Somehow, they've managed to disappoint both readers of the books and those who have watched the show only. I'll probably still enjoy the end, and it is easy to forget now that HBO picking this show wasn't always a sure thing, but it easy to see where there has been room for improvement

    .  We can literally nitpick every show.  Earlier someone mentioned that Cersei's death was too plain ,didn't have an impact.  The last 6 villains (Joff, Ramsey, etc) all had gruesome, satisfying deaths.  If Cersei was #7, half the crowd would say "JFC D + D, not every death has to be poetic!!!"  Sometimes people complain for the sake of compalining.


    Sansa and Arya are both Starks but they're not anything alike, and they were actually raised together?

  15. 3 minutes ago, Surlybastard said:

    Jon's coin flip came back normal and he happens to be one of the few somewhat good characters on the show. Its not that every Targaryan has a breaking point where they go full on crazy. Its that some just revert to crazy as their normal at a certain age while others don't. Jon also has a Stark as a mother while I think Dany is full blooded Targaryen though I may be wrong on that. Dany can't accept things not going the way she wants them to. She needs to be a messianic figure who is revered by her subjects in order to feel she is being given her proper respect.

    I think she's full Targ???  But to your point, heres an analogy.  Not every pit bull kills kills humans, but they're more likely to kill than labs

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