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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 11 minutes ago, naija said:

    all well and good, but apply that to the other Targ in the show, who you know has been through some shit too. I mean, where does getting killed and brought back to life rank on the "shit that can tip you into madness" scale. Jon is good just because Jon is good? I think alot of what people are using to justify what happened is retconning. Even if GRRM intended this end, I highly doubt it's been filmed from the beginning of the show what all of this in mind. strangely, visually, I'd say it was one of the best episodes they've ever done.

    Jeffrey Dahmer's nephew didn't cook oriental kids.  

  2. 33 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The NK, Littlefinger, Joffrey, Ramsey Bolton, Walder Frey, Tywin, and the Mountain were more than just "short term."  Sure, Cersei has been around the longest, but I don't see why that makes it harder to write a satisfying death at the hands of a character rather than rubble. 

    Does every villain need a satisfying death.  I just counted 6 deserving and satisfying desks.  Why does everyone have to have one?  And to me it was poetic, she died in the arms of her love, and it was those two that started this shit.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Dany should have never attacked King’s Landing.  It wasn’t necessary and she ignored the advice of her most intelligent advisors. 

    Cersei wasn’t going to last long on the throne after Jon and Dany saved Westeros from the Army of the Dead while Cersei betrayed the realm by withholding support.

    Burning village was also a sign of defiance and to let everyone know she was in charge.  She was advised several times not to do it.  Ego took over here.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Right, she'd rather kill herself and her child than be taken captive by Stannis. But in last night's episode she was whimpering. Not consistent with her character at all.  

    Though I do want to apologize to you, Barry McCokiner (love that handle/reference BTW), for my assumption that Jaime was not actually going back to Cersei's side after Episode 4. I had more faith in the writers than I should have. 


    Situations have changed right?   I mean she was getting the fuck bombed out of her and was starting death in the face.

  5. 3 hours ago, Tex-19 said:

    I may not be remembering right but didn't Dany used to talk about how she wanted to "break the system or wheel" or something like that? Doesn't really explain killing innocent people but would be consistent with destroying King's Landing / Red Keep.

    Also I think this storyline would've been classic GoT if it had been allowed to play out more slowly and in more detail. Unfortunately they're squeezing all of this into a few episodes, when previously it may have been over 2-3 seasons with a lot more intricacy. Just an unfortunate byproduct of the business side of the show and saving too much for the end

    She was 14 when this all started.  Ideals can change, not the first time it's happened in a show.  She's a 22 year old, irrational child with the world's most powerful weapon.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I wasn't expecting a "badass" death for Cersei as some sort of reward for her ruthlessness as a character.  I was expecting her to not back down, and for someone - literally anyone - to kill her that would give some satisfaction to the viewers. 

    Instead D & D gave her a graceful and forgiving death scene. Terrible.


    She was willing to kill her and Tommen when Stannis was banging down the door.  Everyone is ruthless until they're up against the wall.  What did you expect her to do?  And Qyburn was begging her to sound the horn.

    2 hours ago, Loco said:

    At least no one is bitching about only 2nd tier characters dying


    36 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Just to clarify, when I say corrupted what I mean is compromised in relation to Tyrion and Jaime.  Corrupted bad actors do things for approximately five different reasons:






    The bad guys in this story are all driven by one or more of these motivations.  

    Jon Snow hasn’t fallen prey to being completely compromised by Dany yet but he’s close.  Varys tried to give him an out in good faith but he rejected it because he isn’t motivated by malicious ambition which is precisely why he is “the one”.

    CRIME.  I like that.

  7. Just now, Gene Parmesan said:

    I don't mind them all of a sudden going storm trooper with the scorpions.  In reality it would probably be a one in a million shot with how fast he moves and how limited those things would be.  So this battle is probably more like what would happen if a dragon existed with medieval technology.   

    Cloud cover and she was expecting them.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    We’re going to have to agree to disagree but Tyrion selling out Varys was his crossing of the rubicon to the corrupted. 

    The hound was a bad man because his older brother burned his face off as a child and he sought revenge ever since. 

    Dany still hasn’t obtained the power she seeks, that’s why she felt it necessary to burn King’s Landing to the ground. 

    To me Tyrion was just beign loyal to Dany, though he obviously had his doubts.  I knew he would turn Varys in. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, Viper said:

    so what was the deal with Varys' rings? Why'd he take them off? Some sort of sign to his accomplice that he's dead and to activate a contingency plan? do the letters get sent now or were they already sent? Who is there left to send letters to anyway? Maybe to all the lords of the other realms, Edmure Tully, Robert Arryn, Prince of Dorne guy, etc? Sort of like a redo of Stannis sending all those letters about Joffrey not being the rightful heir?

    No, I think that's normal.  Ever watch Donny Brasco?  When Al Pacino got the call, he took his jewelery off.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Eskimohorn said:


    There were about 100 ships. She didn’t have the sun to her back for all of them.

    And why even bother with the ships? They were harmless and only increased the odds that she’d get Drogon killed.

    But it was very fortuitous that all the scorpions were located at the perimeter of the city.

    I will give them this: they watched their Bands of Brothers and learned how to take out a trench.


    Should they have been in the middle of the city?   Looked pretty crowded 

  11. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    Her mother died giving birth to her.

    Her father was murdered, stabbed in the back by his sworm protector, Jamie Lannister

    Her eldest brother Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon. Rhaegar's wife and children were murdered by the Lannisters during the sack of King's Landing. 

    The Lannisters forced her and her brother to flee across the Narrow sea to Pentos. 

    She was sold to a foreign horse worshipper who basically rapes her on her wedding night. 

    Her baby was stillborn. Her husband died 

    The Lannisters try to kill her again

    Cersei promises to send troops to help with Night Walkers, doesn't. 

    Cersei/Euron kill one of her dragons with Scorpion arrows. 

    Cersei cuts the head off her best friend Meisandre. 


    Yeah....just flipped the switch there. 



    You left out the Jon snow stuff.  That didn’t help either.    This has been foreshadowed for a while.   She ordered her brothers head to be melted off.  CraZy b

  12. 37 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Surly - This season has totally sucked. Such horrible writing on a character driven show.

    [Fire and explosions and shit.]

    Surly - Just-When-I-Think-You-Couldnt-Possibly-B

    Too much action.  Not enough action.  Too slow.  Too fast.   


    Too convenient.   Not convenient enough 

  13. 6 hours ago, utxmike05 said:

    Pretty solid.

    But seemed too easy. I expected KL to fall, but thought KL would have put
    up a better fight. And thought Cersei had a trick up her sleeve. Nope. Just burn everything....0 resistance.

    Love the Hound going out like that.

    Dany gotta go. Or else this game of thrones is just a cycle, and now it’s starting all over again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Why’d you expect that?   Stannis was whipping the shit out of them until Tyrion jumped in

  14. 12 minutes ago, Pods said:

    What episode were you watching? He destroyed the entirety of his character arc and tried like hell to save Cersei before the roof caved in around them. 

    In his arms.  His path lead to her death.  Now she probably does anyway but that’s it



    jamie feared the white walkers that’s why he went to winterfell.  He never stopped loving Cersei 

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