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Posts posted by Barry_McCokiner

  1. 33 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    This makes a fair amount of sense. If she isn't killed, maybe she pulls out a few eggs and goes off the raise baby dragons - her true children. I still say Tyrion and Sansa rule the roost. The midget gets the girl. Jon the rebel survives but leaves to conquer new worlds. Jaime is a mess for having killed his sister and his kid. He takes off alone into the wilds, but not far behind will be Brienne, who also survives. Arya and the Hound leave together, also to explore new worlds. Perhaps Jon joins them. That would be a satisfying ending, assuming he can manage a cute comeback to one of the Hound's one-liners.

    what if Sansa and Tyrion rule the south and Jon takes the north?  Could be a neat little ending.

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  2. 8 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    I agree some folks are being too harsh.  For me, Ep 1 was basically what I expected, 2 and 4 were subpar but not unwatchable, and 3 was very good.  So on balance, I'd say it's been okay.  And people are judging an unfinished season.  I have high hopes for the last two episodes.  We'll see.

    I liked them all, 4 wasn't bad.  Yeah, Dany's a dumbass, long been established no?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    I'm getting to the point where I am going to stop reading this thread.  The bitching and whining about the deteriorating quality of season 8 is starting to grind my gears.  I still very much enjoy this show.  Coming here is starting to compromise my enjoyment.  Maybe I'll check back in after it's over.

    I actually like the show and look forward to every Sunday night


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  4. 30 minutes ago, Viper said:

    The question I have is did Dany think through making Gendry a Baratheon? Because he now has a claim to the throne too (along with a ninja assassin girlfriend). And if she was legitimizing Gendry for his service, why didn't she legitimize Jon as a Stark for his much superior service? It was before everyone knew he was a Targaryen, it's what Jon has always wanted so he probably wouldn't turn it down and it would've thrown a wrench into anyone saying he has a better claim than she does. Plus it puts him in potential conflict with Sansa for control of Winterfell.

    That was a "I'm the damn queen" move.  It wasn't about deservign anything.

  5. 1 hour ago, Viper said:

    It does make some sense. Cersei (for poor writing purposes) knows Dany because Dany is just like she is.

    • Both of them grew up in a bit of a paradox, belonging to prestigious families with sky-high expectations but at the same time sidelined for being women. Cersei bucked against this and resented it, while Dany more or less stayed in line until she married Drogo.
    • Both of them didn’t really come into their own power until they married, and each of them ended up wielding individual power after the deaths of their husbands.
    • Speaking of their husbands, both of them are directly responsible for their husbands’ demises, willfully or not.
    • Both of them have come to power violently at various points, and after being cornered and humiliated — for Dany it was her capture by the Dothraki and burning all the khals, and for Cersei it was her Walk of Shame and blowing up the sept.
    • Both of them faced and in turn overcame various levels of opposition, it’s just that Dany’s looked worse to our eyes while Cersei’s was comparably “good.” They’re long-term survivors.
    • Both of them have lost children.
    • Both of them are fearful of losing power and of being displaced, and both of them have fairly stark, black-and-white, with-me-or-against-me mentalities.
    • Both of them have found security in seemingly invincible shields or protectors — for Dany it’s her dragons, for Cersei it’s UnGregor.
    • Both of them are after the throne because they want it. Cersei has always been up front about wanting power for its own sake, while Dany dresses up her desire for power in a savior complex, like she’s practicing altruism. But the mask fell off Dany in the last episode: “What happens when they demand you press your claim and take what is mine?”

    What Cersei is doing is exactly what Tyrion wanted to do to Cersei:

    Cersei needs Dany to attack now and not listen to her advisers telling her to wait. Waiting makes a ton of sense. Waiting means food runs out in Kingslanding and the people turn on the Cersei just like they did to Joffrey. Especially with no Tyrells coming in with food from the Reach. Once that happens, Dany can just take the city like she took Meereen, only this time she has Varys and Davos who know the city and all the secret ways in and out. Cersei's army is the Golden Company who are paid mercenaries. Waiting means Cersei starts running out of money to pay them. Lastly waiting gives Dany's army time to recuperate and gather strength, while Cersei's will lose strength. 

    But it's obvious Dany is going to hurry and refuse to wait. Partly because Cersei has made her mad and partly I think because of Jon. She wants to be sitting on the Iron Throne before everyone finds out he has a better claim than she does.

    Good post. 


    I wil ldisagree with those who think it would be in Cersei's character to just kill Tyrion on the spot.  She would absolutely listen, with the intent to make him suffer at some point.

  6. 3 hours ago, USC Traveler said:

    Except in this case, HBO is on record as wanting to have this roll out for more years.  The series is ending because D+D no longer wanted to do it.  They decided to end it in 73 episodes.

    They've had GRRM's bullet points on how he wanted to end everything for years.  It's not like they just found out last season and have been scrambling to  make it all work, even though it looks that way because of how bad this season is.

    This season's shitshow is entirely on D+D.



    I read Jon didn't want to do it anymore either

  7. 12 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    Well dany has at times been diplomatic. She had just elevated gendry, she had put aside throne quest to fight the WWs. Considering all the other wtf writing going on, Cersei abdicating and pleading for mercy would be the only way she loses war but lives. Granted not very plausible at all she abdicates but just saying. If anything DD wanted us to think that was at least possible by Tyrion offering it. 

    Oh wait, I misread the post I quoted.  My initial reaction was the show wants us to think he flipped but I wouldn’t be surprised if your take that he goes to finish her off (mercifully instead of whatever Dany has planned) is correct or perhaps to convince her to flee before the nukes hit. I think he always knew her death was possible but it’s  one thing to know death comes to us all, quite another to confront it in the immediate future. 

    We’re all gonna die one day but if I’m a cunt’s hair away from getting tboned by an out of control 18 wheeler next time I drive past a 4way stop, you can be damn sure I’m pulling over, checking my draws and doing some life evaluating.  Same with Jaime, he knew she might die in the war but Cersei against a mad queen means she most definitely is dead since Dany probably wants her dead as much as she wants the throne...

    apparently the directors have said he flipped.  I'm anticipating a Euron/Jamie throwdown of some sort.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I’m telling you, Sansa is the new littlefinger. 

    She doesn’t want dani, and she knows Jon will refuse but will support her over a Lannister or gendry. Let Tyrion/verys take out Dani, then let jon abdicate and choose her to rule. 

    Maybe, but it's not like Dany is putting off good vibes.  Sansa is totally reasonable in being weary.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    When Jaime decided to leave Brienne, it was after he was told Dany lost a dragon, right? I took that scene as Jaime realizing that Cersei might actually win, and he needs to help stop her. 

    He lied to Brienne to make it easier to leave. D & D are just blowing smoke up everyone's ass with their "Inside GOT" segments. 


    Possibly, or he knew Dany was going to be pissed and she was definitely going to storm the castle.  Either way I'm pissed he flipped back.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    One of the biggest moments in the finale... Jaime will be faced with a decision. Kill Cersei in order to save someone - probably Brienne. And he'll take out Cersei. Inner struggle, etc. That's why the writers sent him on, so he could join his Queen.

    Seems like Brienne is pretty much irrelevant?

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