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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. Alec Baldwin deserves blame because he is the dumb motherfucker that pointed the gun towards other people while practicing his Barney Fife quick draw. That and the numerous other reasons the blame should fall on him. It's too bad he didn't simultaneously shoot his dick and mouth off
  2. Fuck you little boy. I will post as I please. You are a major fucking troll and post your CR bullshit on DT all the time. You're just a little bitch and you know it
  3. Fuck you. I don't need you to defend me and whatever post you are referring to I must have missed. Why the fuck would I make up that my daughter died. You Cloak Room fucks have reached a new low. I don't fucking talk about other member's family or children. Jesus Christ you CR motherfuckers have serious fucking psychological issues.
  4. Not sure what my daughter's death has to do with this thread or anything else Surly related. I have always hated you Cloak Room liberal cunts so why would that change? Why don't you stick to relevant issues and not bring my children into the discussion you piece of shit.
  5. "Everyone" as in cloak roomers? How will I ever live down rhe shame lol
  6. Maybe he could accurately "verify" the gun is safe? 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Umm hey Cloak Room Karen, why don't you use a piece of produce to diddle your nasty, fat twat. Derka wasn't replying to me anyway.
  8. Dude quit trying to CR up this thread. And you're fucking wrong. I don't care whose job it is, if someone hands you a firearm, you should inspect it in a safe manner(ie not fucking pointed at anyone). I'm not pulling a fucking trigger on any gun that I do not know 100% what is in it.......OR some other qualified person(since Alec Baldwin is an ignorant rube) could have checked the gun IMMEDIATELY before it was handed to AB. Blank rounds are noticeably different than an actual live round. This could have easily been avoided.
  9. You are very confused. Not shocking
  10. JFc...Visually check the actual bullets. You realize they don't look the same, right? Of course you do 🤣
  11. Ok experienced gun user. Is that better? Tell us again how you handle your "weapon" ... I love that story
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