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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. Are you talking to yourself again?
  2. Lobo you've already proven yourself a fool in regard to guns on other threads. Maybe you should bow out of this discussion and go stand over with the women and children.
  3. You are showing your ignorance here. Any experienced gun owner WOULD check the fucking cylinder or chamber on a handgun that was merely handed to them.
  4. He was completely in charge of that gun when it was in his fucking hands. Unfortunately for that woman, AB is a loudmouth imbecile who shouldn't have the right to possess or even handle a firearm.
  5. Who gives a shit? Let's see how stuttering Joe does on one. Of course he will be shielded and protected from that by the left for the obvious reason that he would fail miserably.
  6. But Trump!! Lol Apparently, you're the idiot who can't understand the concept of mutual exclusivity. Trump passed a cognitive test. Would bumbling Joe pass one?
  7. Guns don't kill people. Alec Baldwin does
  8. Joe Biden should be playing Bingo in an old folks home. He would still be confused
  9. Motherhood is such a beautiful thing
  10. That massively obvious missed illegal motion call changed the outcome of this game.
  11. Are you triggered again, jimmyjiizzjar?
  12. Well that was a ref-aided drive and 3 points
  13. I'm sorry you have a fat, ugly wife
  14. I was rooting for Dawg to haul in Laundrie in chains....well before he sprained his ankle and pussied out anyway
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