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Posts posted by Catdaddyhorn

  1. 20 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:


    FWIW- I never thought Beto answered that question the right way. His answer should have been:

    “No offense, ma’am, but how NFL players act on the sidelines doesn’t keep you safe, lower your taxes or get better wages for working people. It’s something politicians want you to worry about so you won’t hold them accountable.
    I stand, and I’m running for the Senate, not NFL commissioner.”

    You don't go viral with that answer.  

  2. On 11/3/2018 at 10:37 AM, Tired of Lurking said:

    I think Ehlinger will be playing on Sundays. 

    I agree.  There were a couple times Saturday where his poise in the pocket looked like that of a pro. Last year in those instances he would've failed early,  but Saturday he made subtle moves to avoid danger and flung some big time passes after doing so.  I've gotta hand it to him and Beck/Herman,  he's already a way better QB than I thought he was capable of this time last year. I'm really excited for his future.  The only thing I worry about in the upcoming years is the Herman/Beck/Meyer inclination to run QBs into ground in lieu of using their RBs. They've avoided it here lately,  but next year as the games start to mean more I worry that they'll do it to Sam's detriment. Dude is starting to look like a stud.  

  3. On 11/3/2018 at 8:35 AM, ClubWhatever said:

    No that’s about where I am.  I still don’t believe we can shoot threes or FT’s and I think we are going to get eaten up on the glass in a lot of games. 

    This will be determined by who gets to shoot the free throws.  If Coleman, Osetkowski, and maybe even Roach get an overwhelming share of our free throw attempts we should be in decent shape. However, if Sims gets a sizable share along with a few freshmen (it doesn't matter how good a shooter freshmen are they always seem to shoot free throws at a rate far below than what they should) then we'll be shooting in the 60s as a team. 

  4. https://www.khou.com/mobile/article/news/education/we-are-better-than-this-teachers-dress-up-as-border-wall-latinos-for-halloween/285-610653985

    MIDDLETON, Idaho -- The superintendent of the Middleton School District apologized Friday after at least a dozen teachers dressed up as pieces of a border wall and Mexican stereotypes for Halloween.
    The teachers dressed as the "wall" posed behind large cardboard pieces painted to look like bricks, with "Make America Great Again" spelled out in red-white-and-blue letters. Others donned brightly colored ponchos and sombreros, or mariachi garb.
  5. 13 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    My dad is in his mid 70s and has held on to his leftist beliefs intact. He rarely watches TV and doesn't do Facebook very often, but I can remember him telling me years ago about how this shit started in the FW:fw:FW:fw:fw age. His fellow olds would forward him complete bullshit and he would reply all with links to Snopes debunkings over and over and over again, and yet the BS just kept coming. I think the problem started longer ago than we generally think. FB and Fox News are just slicker versions of the chain email. 

    Definitely started with email forwards. I used to work in Oil & Gas and used to spend the start of my days deleting email forwards for about 20 minutes a day.  Facebook relieved me of those duties.  

  6. https://www.diversityinc.com/Haters/high-schoolers-chanting-the-n-word

    In Southlake, Texas, Carroll Senior High School officials reprimanded a group of white students who were captured on video spewing racist tirades.

    In the video, which has been shared on Facebook hundreds of times, the teens — girls and boys — are chanting the n-word and at one point can be heard saying, "We up on that Black [expletive]."

    The video wasn't taped on school property, but it alarmed administrators enough to charge the students with a violation of the student code of conduct, but they did not say what the consequences would be. It was speculated on Facebook that the teens only received a three-day suspension.

    30 years from now they'll claim everyone got along and nothing racist ever happened at their school.  

    • Like 1
  7. Isn't league pass free for the first few weeks of the year?  I was so excited for this season I decided to purchase league pass for the 1st time ever. Only after I pulled the trigger I noticed it was actually free. Free99 for a couple of weeks probably would've quenched my thirst.  

  8. 24 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

    Barnes is a good, 2-way, professional basketball player.  If he’s your best player, you’re fucked.  If he’s your second best player, you’re still fucked, but without the high lottery pick.  If he’s your 3rd best player, you might have a decent team.  If you have 3 or more guys better than him, you might have something resembling a pretty good team.

    We 2 have young guys who should be better than Barnes relatively quickly if they already aren’t, and a center who is playing very, very well right now.  There is nothing wrong with Harrison Barnes being your 4th best player.

    Exactly we eventually want Barnes to be the Michael Finley of Luka & DSJ's burgeoning stardom.  

  9. You should be heartened to know they're not running the random ball screen offense this year. This is one of the changes Berry has suggested and Shaka agreed to; it will be more of a continuity offense with an emphasis on 4-out sets.
    That's great news!!
  10. 1 hour ago, Machinator said:

    I think the idea is that at Texas, we have the capability to recruit at a level such that that telling players "we play offense like NBA" is a compelling enough pitch to land those sorts of prospects. What we really needed were transfers who could bridge the gap between the departure of Taylor/Felix and when Shaka's prized recruit (Coleman) was ready to lead the offense.

    And  yes, the shooting is probably the bigger issue. It needs to improve this year or, quite simply, we're not going to achieve our program goals.

    The poor shooting has been a function of having young guards for 2 of his prior 3 years here and not bridging the gap like you mentioned. Shaka really mismanaged the transition from year 1 to 2 and that mistake has reverberated throughout his tenure. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, vin2basketball said:

    So 2016 was def bad - but you consider the 2017 team worse than 2012-13 when we went 16-18 and lost to fucking Chaminade? Worse than Penders' last year when we went 14-17. Or 92-93 when we went 11-17?

    Last year's team had it's share of struggles sure and there are micro level things that were bad decisions (not putting in Sims against Duke or against anyone till Bamba went down, etc), but the context of an NBA-prospect shooting guard (and basically our only good 3 point shooter) going down has to give some margin for error.

    Texas isn't a Kansas/Kentucky/Duke type program that can just survive the loss of their best offensive player without a hitch. 

    You mean Banks. Sims fouled out that game. 

  12. On 10/22/2018 at 7:28 AM, Pancho Negro said:

    Get out of work at 10:50am and driving straight to the polling location at West Gray and Waugh in Houston.

    I went to the Bingo and drink place at VFW lodge in the Heights yesterday. In and out in a little under 20 minutes. Wife went today and she was in and out in 15. 

  13. Matthew Yglesias and his over heliumed built ass provided a really insightful and interesting analysis on conservative media. 

    In the fall of 2016, Hillary Clinton, asked at a fundraiser how she explained the political appeal of Donald Trump, said that “to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.”

    The rest, she allowed, were fundamentally good people, pushed by circumstance into embracing Trump, and she was hoping to win them over.

    Insulting rank-and-file Republicans (even if it was only about half of them) was treated as a huge national scandal. Republican Party politicians and conservative pundits harped on the line, providing a point of party unity at a time when many party and movement stalwarts were reluctant to actually praise Trump. The mainstream press covered the controversy intensively, and left-of-center pundits weighed in with a range of takes, including one from yours truly, which concluded that Clinton really had messed up by violating “the norm against attacking the other party’s constituents” rather than its politicians.

    This past Friday, meanwhile, President Trump said that 100 percent of people planning to vote Democratic in the upcoming midterms — a majority of the electorate, in other words — are “crazy.” Nobody cared and almost nobody even noticed.

    The reason is something I’ve dubbed “the hack gap” over the years, and it’s one of the most fundamental asymmetries shaping American politics. While conservatives obsess over the (accurate) observation that the average straight news reporter has policy views that are closer to the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, the hack gap fundamentally does more to structure political discourse.


    The hack gap explains why Clinton’s email server received more television news coverage than all policy issues combined in the 2016 election. It explains why Republicans can hope to get away with dishonest spin about preexisting conditions. It’s why Democrats are terrified that Elizabeth Warren’s past statements about Native American heritage could be general election poison in 2020, and it’s why an internecine debate about civility has been roiling progressive circles for nearly two years even while the president of the United States openly praises assaulting journalists.

    The hack gap has two core pillars. One is the constellation of conservative media outlets — led by Fox News and other Rupert Murdoch properties like the Wall Street Journal editorial page, but also including Sinclair Broadcasting in local television, much of AM talk radio, and new media offerings such as Breitbart and the Daily Caller — that simply abjure anything resembling journalism in favor of propaganda.

    The other is that the self-consciousness journalists at legacy outlets have about accusations of liberal bias leads them to bend over backward to allow the leading conservative gripes of the day to dominate the news agenda. Television producers who would never dream of assigning segments where talking heads debate whether it’s bad that the richest country on earth also has millions of children growing up in dire poverty think nothing of chasing random conservative shiny objects, from “Fast & Furious” (remember that one?) to Benghazi to the migrant caravan.

    And more than Citizens United or even gerrymandering, it’s a huge constant thumb on the scale in favor of the political right in America.


    • Like 2
  14. 10 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

    I'm really hoping this isn't the Abrams camp's planned October surprise, because there's no way it remotely moves the needle with any white voters on the fence. At this point, white voters on the fence are those who are more supportive of Dem policy objectives but sympathize with the "racial anxieties" of the right, who are scared that they're no longer the majority. Kemp stating that they're no longer the majority isn't going to make him look worse in their eyes, that's the whole reason they're considering voting for him.

    Let's be honest here, the notion that white majorities are somehow in jeopardy of going the way of the Dodo bird are fallacious. A healthy % of Hispanics are white hispanics. In the 50s, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and many hispanics  who were white in everything except their surname were considered just that, white. It was only after the migrant/immigration policies of the 70s & 80s and our clumsy political reaction to it that all that changed. Suddenly, any and everyone who spoke spanish, regardless of their race got lumped into the same group. In another 20 years the supposed hispanic threat that will somehow render whites a non-majority will be squelched in much the same way the Italians, Irish, Polish, and a whole bunch of other people of European descent instantly became white in the 40s and 50s after WWII.  

  15. On 10/22/2018 at 4:25 PM, hobbes2702 said:

    I think Trae will have a pretty good pro career. He isn’t Steph and will never reach that level imo. The thing that will hang over him is the trade. IMO Doncic is the best player from this draft not named Ayton and trading him for Trae Young is gonna look bad on the Hawks for a long time imo 

    Trae is more of a PG than Steph. The true comparison for Trae is Mark Price or Steve Nash.  

    • Like 1
  16. 36 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    "In every way that matters?" Bullshit. That's doublespeak. Which States are taking advantage of the gutting of the Voting Rights Act to make it harder for minorities to vote? The same States that made the act necessary in the first place. You're fucking insane if you're arguing that the Union States are more racist than the Confederate States. 

    You may want to check in on the stats of places like Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana when it comes to voter suppression. Shit, Ohio serves as the intellectual birth place of recent efforts to suppress voters.  And as far as segregated schools and neighborhoods go it's a verifiable fact that the north is more segregated today.  This is partly due to the fact that the south was forced to desegregate under judicial order,  but the end result is that the south is less segregated than the north.  


    In fact, many of the racial injustices we associate with the South are actually worse in the North. Housing segregation between black and white residents, for instance, is most pervasive above the Mason-Dixon line. Of America’s 25 most racially segregated metropolitan areas, just five are in the South; Northern cities — Detroit, Milwaukee and New York — top the list. Segregation in Northern metro areas has declined a bit since 1990, but an analysis of 2010 census data found that Detroit’s level of segregation, for instance, is nearly twice as high as Charleston’s.


  17. At least they don't have a history of owning slaves and rebelling against their country to defend the practice. There are racists everywhere. I'm pretty sure there's a higher number per capita in some States than others. In some States the racists even hold positions of power. 

    No they just have a much more exhaustive and recent history of segregating the shit out of black people and choking off any chance of assimilation and the development of commerce within their communities which in all reality has much more impact on the disparities we see today than fucking slavery. The south today is much less segregated now than the north in every way that matters.  



  18. 13 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    Yeah I know.  I just think everyone here is underestimating how much having A threat at that position can completely change the game.  Before today...we had NONE.  Now...we may have ONE.  Huge difference. Huge.

    I'm actually higher on Cooper than most folks here, but a 1st for him is ridiculously stupid. It's especially bad for the Cowboys given what we have on the docket wrt upcoming free agents. Lawrence needs to be paid. Byron Jones could potentially be a guy we want back after next season.  Jaylon Smith, Cole Beasley, the list goes on and on. Not to mention the fact that this trade probably means they're all in on Dak so there's more money we need space for.  I realize we have loads of space next year, but it's always good to supplement big free agent signings with the low cost, quality, starters late 1st rounders give you (albeit for all we know we just gave up a top 10 pick for Cooper). 

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