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Posts posted by ousux

  1. Thank you, Junior.
    Our family Holiday Party has 100+ people every year, my mother (age 94) and my aunts and uncles, my 20+ 1st cousins and a bunch of other cousins. There is no substitute for that kind of support network, based on generations of mutual respect.  Everybody know the elders eat first, and the kids need the most support.
    Growing up with that instills a desire to make them proud, which can only be a good thing.
    In 40+ years, nobody ever got all up in my business. The only time I ever talked about business, or career moves or relocating, I brought it up. I have a lot to say grace over, and only once or twice has anybody asked me for something other than the occasional HS fundraiser. Even then, they never really asked.
    Are you 18 and about to gain a little independence for the first time in your life? If not that's just a heart warming story that doesn't apply here.

    Having said that I hope you're right and having the fam nearby is important to Dakorien, but I remember at that age the fact my family was a few hours drive away was close enough to be there when I needed them...but otherwise I forged my own independent path as much as possible, and many high school grads are the same way.
  2. You’re absolutely right. I stumbled upon one in Norway 5-10 years ago.  80% old fat dudes.  The other 20% looked exactly like the specimen above.  There is nothing you want to see at a nude beach.  
    Back in the day I whizzed the Ski-doo in front of hippie Hollow a few times. You are correct sir and I was severely retina scarred
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. aggy follows recruiting religiously because it provides fuel for their constant need for validation, so the know rosters, they know what they have right now, which is a stoops-approved bag of dicks
    so how did the exodus over the past 2 years transmogrify in to "we're loaded" and "we have plenty of talent"?
    it's beyond the normal clickity-clack
    Bro, do you even Looch? He and his cohorts have been fleecing their fellow aggy for decades now with sunshine pumping. That's why the typical aggy is unable to separate what their eyes tell them from the fantasies they want to believe. The reality is they have just enough talent left (and baby shit soft schedule) to give them hope the Elk is building an SEC juggernaut, I think 2025 is when the coaster truly takes a dive.
  4. That cannot be a thing.
    Sadly it is, and very very real. The unfortunate part is this practice somehow doesn't prevent them from producing aggy spawn who are brainwashed into the cult from birth.
    • Haha 1
  5. Nobody knows who has the best QB recruit each year until they actually get a season or two of CFB under their belt. I'm happy with Lacey this cycle based on his HS film, just hope it translates.

  6. "I think Texas is severely overrated because of what they did in the Big12 last year."
    And that somehow magically makes aggy better in spite of changing coaches and losing tons of players to the portal. Failing in the SEC is better than winning the Big 12 you stupid sip.
  7. Meanest O-lineman ever, and one of the best to ever do it. He's from the era when I was growing up a Boys fan, (thanks to my dad) but sadly I lost the lovin feelin a few years back thanks to Jerrah.

    RIP Larry, memories live on.

    Edit- seems he managed his money well if he's able to send his daughter to Pepperdine.

  8. Uhhh yes you absolutely can. You'd be hard pressed to name two faster-depreciating assets than custom jewelry and brand-new niche sports cars.
    That contributes for sure, but it really kicks in after the playing days are over and they're still spending on stupid shit that is never worth what they paid for it new.
  9. You don't go broke from cars and jewelry. Hood dudes who just fell into some money just can't go buy the kind of cars that break the bank, and those chains are 30-100k. Buying houses that are too much for you, giving money to hangers-on, investing in bad business ventures, and betting on lane 8 in how you go broke. 20 million goes a long way if you live in a 500k house with a bunch of entry level exotic cars and a few chains.
    What really gets them is getting accustomed to a certain lifestyle and then trying to maintain that after the NFL millions stop flowing in.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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