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  1. Decimal point lives matter! This is a lesson I learned very early in my after school real world adventures.
  2. R2D2 saves the day! Welcome to the 40 Josiah [emoji869] If that doesn't get a team flip, nothing will
  3. When said jerk off sesh includes prime Elizabeth Hurley with her legs wrapped around Elton John.. Yes, too much to ask.
  4. We may not be everyone's Superbowl anymore, but until everyone gets used to us being in the SEC the games against us will just mean more. (Pun intended) Nobody took aggy seriously their first SEC season and look what happened there. I know this a good problem to have, but we aren't exactly coming into the conference flying under the radar like BlowU is.
  5. I guess he's hoping that will be forgotten in the next 4 months..
  6. Wrong wrong wrong, Vince has standards. Needs more chunky chola
  7. Same...one of their bowl games in the waning days of the Shermantor.
  8. He needs to embrace a manzziere
  9. 40 years ago students didn't have distractions like phones. Granted aggy has done a good job indoctrinating the student body into the cult, most know all the "yells" by memory to the tiniest detail. If only the grads that diploma mill churns out were as detail oriented in whatever field they chose to study.
  10. Finally had a chance to sit down and watch this thing, and I gotta say this is the best representation we could possibly hope for. Sark, Jadahe, Kelvin, Quinn...all top notch UT ambassadors. No arrogance or showboating, just tons of confidence. [emoji869]
  11. I mean...Jimbo is still getting paid aggybucks. Technically he bagged those trophies on aggy time.
  12. Finally got some real trophies. Put it on the wall!
  13. Hell yeah! Hookem Nick! [emoji869] Edit- obligatory "can he play DT?"
  14. No, just joined his aggy buddies at the Houston Chronicle.
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