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Burnt Ends
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  1. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2024/07/pole-assassin-jeff-banks-texas-longhorns-coach-and-exotic-dancer-pole-assassin-wedding-monkey-bite tldr: he put a ring on it @NeverMarryAStripper in shambles
  2. Well. We're OFFICIALLY fucked. The Republicans and Putin knew there was only one way to prevent Biden from winning a second term: To divide us against ourselves. Congratulations to everyone on helping them accomplish this. And an extra special congrats to the editorial staff of the NY Times; your petty vendetta will likely be among the last decisions Trump's new administration will ever allow you to make.
  3. See, I get that, but this wasn't, say, that horribly underrated Mel Gibson flick Payback where there's bad guys against bad guys, but they're all really charismatic bad guys so you more or less pull for 'em.* There was probably supposed to be someone to root for -- maybe Sol, perhaps? At least, before the script turned him into a stupid shithead -- but the script made them all awful, and the acting (again, outside of Sol) did them few favors. So eventually, I'm just rooting for the meteor strike. * "The movie's publicity makes much of the fact that the hero, named Porter, is a bad guy. It quotes the director, Brian Helgeland: 'I wanted to see a bad guy as the hero, but I didn't want to make excuses for him.' Of course, if the bad guy is played by Mel Gibson, you don't have to make the same kinds of excuses as if he's played by, say, James Woods." --Roger Ebert
  4. https://www.threads.net/@nixcraft/post/C9p70yxgdaj
  5. Eh, Office for Mac is fine, and Office365 is all in the cloud now, anyhow. I don't make my accounting staff run Linux. But this guy's talking about Airflow. Which means somewhere, out there, he's running Windows as a database server. I can't think of a time in my life, much less my career, when that was a good idea. Far less now that I own a hybrid, but I still understand the basics. I know to check fluid levels every time I fill up, check the tires, etc.
  6. dafuq? See, all the things you need to learn everything about Linux are free. You just go read the fucking manual. And in my career for the past 15 years or so, every dev is working on a Mac, which is ALSO a variant of UNIX, so they already know almost all the shit they needed to. The only reason any engineer, data scientist or what have you under the age of 40 even bothered with Windows is so they can play games on Steam.
  7. In other news, I'm in charge of deciding what "endpoint security" my company uses, and guess who's glad he doesn't use Crowdstrike today? THIS guy!
  8. The TCO myth was horseshit when Microsoft first peddled it in the 90s, and it's even more horseshit now. People still believing this in 2024 is like finding people who still believe the Earth is flat in 2024...
  9. I swear. This thread is the only place I see on the entire internet where Biden is suddenly this feeble Lame Duck candidate that just HAS to be removed or else Trump will become dictator. Everywhere else, they're circling the wagons. Bizarro world is here. Reality is not reflected in this thread. Get a clue.
  10. I was going to say something snippy like, "Well, who else would pimp for Peavey" but 1. the guy can rock, 2. Ed eventually worked with Peavey on the 5150, and 3. after watching a video this week on "how to get the right bass tone" I've regained respect for my bass amp and its 8-band EQ.
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