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Posts posted by Genco

  1. 1 hour ago, Reagan1k said:

    and number two, how can you throw away perfectly good alcohol.


    Many many "fresh start weeks" were postponed because I had half a bottle of scotch left over by Monday morning. There were thirsty people somewhere that my conscience wouldn't let me forget about.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. Been there. I strung 3 months together once. Started working out again, felt great. Back then I thought I could control it going forward. It didn't last.

    That was a long time ago. I don't have any interest in bullshitting myself anymore and I really like being sober.

    Stick around. There are some smart pissheads in this thread.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Continental Op said:

    The podcast isn't as funny as it used to be as well.



    It's turned into Bill googles an obscure topic after a stream of conscience rant followed by taking 10 minutes to get through that day's copy.

    I still listen though.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Meh, y'all think this more a defense of Charlie than it is an assault on the Evil Mack of 2009-onwards. If we'd hired Herman or his equivalent in 2014 and Ash and Espinosa had gone down like they did IRL, the program would have gone in the same tailspin that it did. 

    So what's the excuse for the Dresden campaign Charlie is inflicting on the USF program now? Did he inherit another impossible situation from Taggart?

  5. 50 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I love Donald and Mack. I think they’re great players. But in no way can a defensive player in today’s league be the best player. AB, PM and TB you have an argument, but it’s a weak one. Rodgers, no. Zeke is the most valuable player in the league in my mind, and it’s not particularly close. 

    Not particularly close? There are 32 GMs in the league that would trade Zeke for any one of Donald, Mack, and certainly Mahomes in a second.

    If only running an NFL team were like fantasy football. And then we could hire a recent Madden champ to be our OC.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:



    Torpedo his career? Lmao. You mean pulling up a woman's shirt or a security guard falling over? Those are the only 2 incidents he has had. Oh wait, there was that speeding ticket.

    But yeah, let's keep exaggerating about how out of control Zeke is and how any minute he could self destruct.

    Well there was that episode where a pseudo celebrity DJ got knocked out in front of a club.

    If you're going to advocate for signing Zeke, stick to his productivity on the field. The guy is a 24 karat retard who makes terrible decisions and the concern about him self destructing is perfectly reasonable. Christ, you're arguing how valuable he is because the team only went 3-3 while he was suspended.under the personal conduct policy.

  7. 3 hours ago, Texas_Rocks said:

    Pretty amazing how cops are exactly the opposite of responsible gun owners. Over the years I’ve had the occasional run in with wild humans and pissed of dogs. Got out of all of those situations unarmed and got home safely.

    It may not be in the books, but there’s definitely a shoot first mentality that many cops across the country live by.

    Chapter 1, page 1 of the Cop's Handbook.

  8. 3 hours ago, Texas_Rocks said:

    Pretty amazing how cops are exactly the opposite of responsible gun owners. Over the years I’ve had the occasional run in with wild humans and pissed of dogs. Got out of all of those situations unarmed and got home safely.

    It may not be in the books, but there’s definitely a shoot first mentality that many cops across the country live by.

    Chapter 1, page 1 of the Cop's Handbook.

  9. 3 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    And yet the officers have to display an infinite higher level of coolness under pressure because they are cops and the person is not. How high of a coolness under pressure do they have to display? Infinite? Until they themselves are shot and killed? Why aren’t you a cop displaying such incredible coolness under pressure? It’s a lot easier being an armchair QB than the person in the situation isn’t it?

    Yeah, it's part of the job description. Kinda like firefighters are required to run into a burning building. The difference is that firefighters will do their job whether or not you genuflect to their ego.

    Cops aren't heroes. They're public servants and they suck at their job.

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