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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kingkoopa6

  1. kingkoopa6

    NFL- Week 18

    Lawerence ain’t been same since he got his head rung
  2. damn. They hit that 10-0 run on us early and we never got back ahead… or maybe we did. Idk. poop
  3. His real name is Clarence Clarence lives at home wit both parents Clarence parents have a real good marriage...
  4. Y’all killin me to hear last few pages. Im sure yall already said kristen Stewart Kevin spacey
  5. Paul Walker in running scared is my favorite Paul Walker
  6. Damn. I like Ethan hawke. I’m a big fan of sinister. Haven’t seen black phone but I want too. and predestination is hella trippy twist movie
  7. Y’all seeing traction to this? been seeing things poppin on x about S2
  8. Yea. She def alive like jumanji. but hopefully a less hairy Alan. so Hiroshi ain’t any of the dudes baby? She was fuckin some imperial general
  9. How I’m handling it ?? not watching any highlights and anytime I see something about the game or next game, i just tune it out.
  10. My ass had miracle on ice* music playing in my head when J Whitt made that catch. I was starting to believe
  11. For a quick min. When they was showing arch in the 3rd. I thought sark was gonna be like fuck it. Go ahead and win this thing. cuz of Quinn head bouncing on turf. but damn. Quinn was doing that thing.
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