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Posts posted by TotallyLegit

  1. 1 minute ago, Bluemoon3287 said:

    Point well taken.  Who’s been drafted higher than Cedric ?  I love, love Colt McCoy - his work ethic, his determination and while at Texas, his coolness under fire and accuracy.  He was awesome, Shipley was great, but neither made  any noise about Heisman or first round picks.  What was Cedric, drafted, No. 2 overall?  

    Shall we talk about the great QB’s who Texas never even really gave a look? How about those guys that came right from under their noses. No they went to Tech (Mayfield) or OU or Alabama and all were in the Heisman mention. Some guy named Mahomes just right up the road, right ?  Isn’t that dude at Clemson a Texas boy?  Not sure on that one, but I think so.  




    Looks like fourth overall.

  2. 2 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    I don’t like doing this type of thing, but what the hell.

    I don’t have any sources within the program etc..., but do talk to various sports media folks with different pro/college connections that’ll give me nuggets about various different things from time to time, and I was given some info. Mostly “duh!” type stuff we’ve already heard and speculated, but sharing because I trust the guy, so just another log added to the fire. TIFWIW:

    1. Herman has “fallen out of favor.” with admin.

    2. Urban “wants it.”

    3. Paraphrasing, but UM doesn’t like Herman. Thinks it all went to his head. Got lazy. I took that as not only now, but also while still coaching under UM.

    4. UM loves all of his other assistants.
    (Me: Tom seems to be the exception)

    5. I won’t give the direct quote, but according to PJ Fleck himself, in a casual setting, straight to my guy: he’d jump at the job. Related: No info or speculation on Fleck or any other secondary options from the Texas side.

    Outside of the Fleck stuff, I know it’s nothing we haven’t speculated/heard, but like I said, another log on the fire and from a guy I trust, and know has connections. I’m guessing he lucked into the Fleck encounter, but he puts in some work.

    I like Fleck, but he seems like the kinda guy who'd let his aspirations be known.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    The one concern about Urban offensively is that he doesn’t come from the air raid tree variants, and it’s looking more and more like a superior offensive scheme right now. OU is very difficult to stop, Mack is deploying it well at NC, even USC is seeing some improvement. If Urban ends up here I hope the guy is smart enough to understand how to evolve his offensive schemes to keep up with the Riley’s of the world.

    I think you can argue that since Ryan Day got to Ohio State, they're at least as much of an air raid offense as OU. I recall them shredding Michigan with mesh concepts recently. In my opinion, the biggest difference between the offenses is the OU running game, though not so much this year because they suck.



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