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Posts posted by tucker

  1. 6 hours ago, boknowstecmo said:

    So the line broke just before reaching Austin, and then re-formed just east of Austin. Nice.


    half to and inch in Austin. About what I give my girlfriend. 

  2. 4 hours ago, NowThis said:

    but is this really happening? What legislation has she introduced or championed that passed? I think she get a lot of attention due to good looks + far left but the actual power does not exist and won't exist for a few decades when/if the rest of the Dems are like her. She'll probably keep the seat until then given it's the Bronx. 

    btw, AOC did well with this https://sputniknews.com/us/201904161074194589-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/


    "I think it's certainly on the table," the New York congresswoman said, when asked by Yahoo News if she would support a possible cut in US military or economic aid to Tel Aviv.

    AOC has moved the conversation left. It is too early for legislative achievements but Pelosi's sniping indicates to me that she is upsetting the establishment. The main candidates for D nominee are courting her and her group for endorsements too.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Can you even imagine being a white, upper middle class, gay student at Harvard in the early 2000s? I bet the Winklevoss twins didn’t even invite him to join the Skull and Bones. 

    Not like it was Yale...

    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, BearSchlong said:

    Death knell for the dems. Like it or not, fox news is the most watched channel in television. I'm in the industry and see ratings numbers so it's not hyperbole.

    Trump is president. Not because he's awesome but because the democrats find new and innovative ways (and old and predictable) to fuck themselves. It's 100% the democratic partys fault. Boycotting fox would only accelerate this process.

    I think engaging fox (and not demonizing them even though they may deserve it) as much as possible should be their strategy. Kill em with kindness.

    Otherwise they'll preach to their own choir.


    Fair point but if Ds have a total black out of Fox then voters will be forced to watch other channels to see interviews, etc. Or am I naive?

    will those viewers even vote D?

  5. He is a young idealist similar to Obama and would likely be an OK president but a failure to implement radical change that is needed. ex-McKinsey background plus inability to admit that the status quo is broken makes him palatable to Rs who realized that a D candidate will win but don't want the US to move too far from the right. 

  6. Mine just expired even though I believe that I just renewed my TSA Pre last year...I have had global entry for a while but going through the renewal process for Global Entry is a PITA.

    5 years of where I lived, job history and travel outside the US. I completely guessed on countries, because it has to be at least 15 to 20.

    I am just hoping that I don't have to go for an interview.

  7. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I don't want a Presidential candidate to boycott Fox News as "punishment" for being a dishonest media company.   What kind of precedent is that setting for the future? 

    Leave the hysterics to the #Resistance.  Time to face this cluster fuck head on. 



    It curtails Fox news bad actions, because it hits their viewership #s and ultimately profitability. It is the only way to change their behavior as they clearly do not care about fixing the cluster fuck and actively support it.

  8. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    i think it shows a little bit of faith in the american people, that not everyone who watches fox news is a brainwashed zombie.  pete's not a particularly polarizing guy (despite some of what you read here).  i think he has the type of message that can reach conservatives who may not love what's going on in washington right now.

    also, any town hall, even one on fox news, will attract a mixed crowd, which is different than just going on one of their shows and getting grilled by some nutcase.

    See my response to HK.

    D need to punish Fox news.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Acting like a grown adult and not shying away from the entire voting electorate is the right move.  Fox viewers might not like the policies, but they'll at least respect the effort to reach out to them. 

    Bernie did a good job, and I expect Pete will too. 

    It isn't about respecting the voters but punishing a dishonest media company. When a media company will shameless push propaganda 24/7 for one party and demonize the other, it only legitimizes their platform by any D participating.

    A viewer of Fox news who consumes hundreds if not thousand hours of bias anti-D news is highly unlikely to be convinced by an hour broadcast where D candidate is interviewed. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:


    I don't see why any Dem would go on fox news. It only enables that channel. All D candidates should collectively refuse.

  11. Who were the posters asking why minorities overwhelming vote D? Arguing that D policies weren't representing their interest.

    lulz, Ds don't try to put your kids in cages or shoot them. Not sure how Rs expect to capture any minority votes with their outright racist policies. 

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