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Posts posted by hundredTT

  1. 7 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Having a wife that compulsively cleans sounds awesome in theory, but be careful what you wish for.

    It becomes a weapon that is used against you.  It quickly becomes something that she's "doing for you" even if you don't give a fuck that the shelf was dusted for the third time this week.  In reality it's just some kind of neuroses coming to the surface that you're expected to be super excited about whether you give a shit or not.

    This man gets it. Noticed I said cleaning like a lunatic. I'm working from home, and getting last min errands done before we leave. I'm getting that  passive aggressive cleaning treatment where she is extra loud, acting like I'm not doing shit. I know this game very well, but I let her know before hand I have a lot do do before we head out. Cleaning is not a priority,  and the house is not even remotely dirty. She will be scrambling packing last minute now, all because the she took time to dust the guest room top shelf, and reorganize the entire decor on the shelves...

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  2. Going out of town for a few days, so of course she is running around like a lunatic all impatient cleaning like the president is coming over. Her reasoning, “I want to come back to a clean home”. Every time. 

  3. Catching up on some episodes. The 3 people one was good, and my God that Makani or whatever chick was fucking hot. Lulz at the ugly girl getting jealous she wasn't getting cuddled with. 








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