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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. My best friend and I watched it at the Houston Exes party at some sports bar at a mall, can’t remember where. Anyway, we get there kind of late because he had a medical school interview. I went with him to Houston because he was my football buddy and I couldn’t imagine watching it without him. So we get to the bar and it’s packed as fuck, of course. We really aren’t sure where we can sit. All of a sudden we notice a table for two just sitting there open with a perfect view of the TVs. 

    So we just go grab it. It was awesome. The atmosphere there was amazing. There were some USC fans there that were heckling everyone when it looked grim for us. But we knew. We knew that Vince just needed the ball one more time. And then, The Stop happened. 

    When Vince scored the winning touchdown, that bar went fucking ape shit. I still get chills thinking about it. People were jumping on top of table, jumping and hugging each other. It was so amazing. So glad my BFF got to experience that together. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Nah it's sad Dems can't honestly look at their own party and say man, what the fuck where we doing in 2014 when Obama was doing the same things to these kids. Why didn't I give a fuck then?

    So the Democrats ARE tough on border security then?

  3. 11 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I've said it in the thread and it bears repeating, just because someone disagrees with PC theories on solutions for racism does not necessarily make them racists.

    Some on here and bigtime in society think buying-in on the enabling and crutch-leaning horseshit is required to correct things.  IMHO, it only perpetuates the issues.

    And your honest opinion is stupid. Thanks for sharing it though. 

    • Like 1
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    • Fuck You 1
  4. Imagine in 20 years when OnBoard is trying to explain to his kids and grandchildren why he supported a treasonous president when they learn about this troubling period of American democracy. I still suspect a But Hillary! And But Obama! will leave his lips while they roll their eyes at him and count him among the shameful Americans that allowed it to happen. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Funny how so many claim to not care about Hillary, but are the most vitriolic posters here on the topic of Hillary whenever anyone utters a disparaging word about her.  

    She sucked as a candidate and a human. She lost to her hand picked opponent.....

    And you continue to miss the point either because you’re being intentionally obtuse or you’re just not that smart. It isn’t about Hillary at this point. It’s your OBSESSION with her that is just plain weird. She lost. It’s over. We have moved on to current events. Please, join us and realize that the traitor you continue to support is doing the same things you constantly cried that Hillary would have done. For fucks sake. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    You made the claim, so support it. Nvm you’re just a piece of shit cuck that doesn’t have a spine. 

    He can’t support it. He’ll just keep obsessing over a grandma that lost the election. Meanwhile he’ll tacitly support a traitor and wannabe authoritarian who is doing everything that she was going to do in office. Yay team!

  7. 4 minutes ago, Cacti said:


    Well, well…by fantasizing that a just God will, and should, take vengeance on our nation, you’ve joined the ranks of Jerry Falwell, who said 9-11 was an act of a vengeful God, and John Hagee and Pat Robertson, both of whom said basically the same thing after Hurricane Katrina.

    Your reading comprehension is, like, really bad

  8. 1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:


    Fuck all trumpkins that still support this wannabe fascist. Time for us sane, true Americans to stand up and say no more. November has to be our time to send a message. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, slorch said:

    You're the one who cried.  and regardless of the "LOL"  you're still crying about it.


    It was 7, but 15 sounds better for your victimology, right?  Let's double it...


    Bitch that you are.


    Don't neg posts just because you disagree with them.


    Don't be a fucking bitch.  Don't start shit.  Won't be no shit.

    Poor triggered slorchy. He mad. 

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