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  1. Those middle aged men on that board still aren't over their rejection from UT
  2. /No @Doc Sam Beckett, but talk about a bubble butt! If I've learned one thing from watching too much draft coverage, it's that you look for that kind of build in your defensive line prospects
  3. My completely unsolicited counterargument is that the strength of McCombs signals the success/reach of UT alumni. For athletes making a 40+ year life decision, knowing that you will have wealthy benefactors looking out for you can be a powerful draw to a school, even if you yourself are not in McCombs. A recruit wants to know that the university is positioning them for success in life after football. I hope that we continue to highlight that aspect of UT. If a player like Bru originally decided to play for the dumpster fire that is USC primarily because of their alumni network in California, you have to imagine a substantial number of Texas recruits committed to UT based in part on their attraction to the McCombs brand/reputation, especially when compared to degree mills like OU and A&M.
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