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Posts posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. D’onta winning the doak behind one of the shittiest offensive lines in Texas history is testiment to how great of a runner he is. He’s the only reason I didn’t kill myself in the middle of the 2016 season. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Disco Missile said:

    That was an exciting finish.
    For those that didn't watch, Oregon blew a big lead, had a 3-point lead and the ball with less than a minute in the 4th quarter and fumbled because they tried to run instead of kneel.
    Stanford drove down and kicked a FG, threw this TD in OT, then picked off Oregon to end the game.

    I watched but I don’t remember any of it because I was too busy getting hammered celebrating our incredible win. 

  3. I want to be excited after this win and I was last night, but USC looked like shit. -5 yards rushing, Charlie Strong level special teams play, no fight in them. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they miss a bowl this year. 


    The real test will be next weekend. If we beat TCU I will reach levels of koolaid consumption never achieved by mankind. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, 83Horn said:

    Yeah, this game is pretty craptastic, but I am mostly just disconcerted by how quickly the buzz has worn off of this college FB season.  3 weeks ago at this time, I think pretty much everyone on this board was really psyched about the season, and would have been pretty excited about watching even this game.  Now, not so much.  I am sad now.

    Losing the first game of the season to a team without a head coach will do that to you. 

  5. I’m pulling for TCU, as hard as it is for me to say it. I don’t think there’s any way they keep it close though. OSU is actually good and not “maybe the second best team in the Big 12” good. But, I’d love to beat TCU the weekend after they pull of an upset.


    Also fuck Jerryworld. I hate that place and everything it stands for. The day they move the Red River Shootout there is the day I break my lifelong streak of attendance. 

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