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Posts posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    This is a huge problem with a lot of you, you have no ideology. You have no spine. You have no values. Either that or you lack the ability to articulate any kind of vision for the world. #sad

    I think you keep missing my point, and every time you reply and say things like this I respect your opinion less and less. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Weird that you completely ignore the super long substantive post and instead focus on little shit. It's almost like you don't have anything to add. HRMmmm


    1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:


    Anticipated Objections:
    “People will break the law! Muh tragic boating accident!”
    - Yes, I know people will break the law. However, knowing that people will break a law is not a compelling reason not to pass a law.

    “But my PawPaw’s pew-pew!”
    - Sucks, but life’s hard sometimes. We’ll hollow out the inside of his Thompson and give it back to you.

    “But my legacy! My kids should have my guns!”
    - They can have a compliant replacement and inherit your compliant weapons. And why are guns your “legacy” anyway? Don’t define yourself by your purchase of consumer products, you Millenial.

    “Handguns! Fuck you”
    - Handguns should go before AR-15s, asshole.

    “Fuck you you fucking piece of shit!”
    - Now we’re talkin’!


  3. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m a multiple gun owner, (like over 20) and I’m all for sensible gun law reform like expanded background checks and limiting magazine capacities.  

    By limiting magazine capacities, you remove the need to ban a particular firearms like the AR-15.  

    Also, I’m not advocating banning high capacity magazines altogether. Just prohibit the sale of them going forward.

    I know these reforms will not necessarily reduce the incidents of gun violence but it would reduce body counts and therefore save lives.

    Also, it’s important to focus on the issues that cause the ridiculous high incidents of gun violence in the United States. I think much of the problem can be attributed to people living in isolation, radicalizing, and lashing out at the world around them.  Unfortunately we tend to write this off as “mental health issues” and ignore the underlying problems.


    The mental health aspect is being severely overlooked. It's hard to talk about underlying issues on a topic as sensitive and polarizing as gun control.

  4. 16 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    A lot of people worked together to put together marches that involved millions. Some were adults, some were minors.

    Right-wingers, I'm sorry no one comes to your parties and that the cool kids ignore you and the only people representing your side are either Nazis or weirdos in camo kilts.

    >Wants to have an intelligent conversation on common sense gun control

    >Posts things like this

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  5. I read that many of the shooters turn the gun on themselves when confronted by responders. Same thing happened to the shooter at UT that didn't actually shoot anyone but shot himself when the cops got to the PCL. 

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