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Posts posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. Texas gets shit on constantly in the college football subreddit. It would be pleasant if we put the full force of Surly into this competition and destroyed our enemies. What else are we going to do in the offseason? Who's with me?




  2. 3 minutes ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    I love the story of that dude that almost threw a no hitter while tripping on acid.

    Dock Ellis did throw a no hitter on acid

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  3. 21 hours ago, Assman said:

    We are one of very few P5 schools that is in a city with not only a skyline, but a beautiful one at that.  Sure, less than 50% of the fans can see that skyline in the current stadium configuration, but I'd hate to lose one of the things that makes our campus and stadium special.  If you put upper decks on all four sides, you might as well be in Collie Station or Tuscaloosa.


    So in a loud stadium? 

  4. I love that they are finally renovating the sez but the execution is frustrating. It's way too modern and doesn't look like it belongs with the rest of the stadium. The orange structures look like they belong in a modern art museum. I don't know why it's so hard to make it flow with the rest of the stadium. Also, regarding the field level box seats, who the hell pays that much for that shitty of a view?

  5. On 4/22/2018 at 12:42 PM, Machinator said:

    We have 7 RBs on the roster, but I feel good about maybe 3 of them. That's false depth if I ever saw it.

    7 RBs, Seems high, but it's not

  6. 19 minutes ago, DiceHands said:

    After watching the Spring Game today, I am about as confident in us as I was to start last season.  Hate to be gloom and doom but I still see a lot of the same glaring flaws (which is to be expected).  


    However, I will say I think Rising is the future.  I am excited to see if we end up redshirting him or not.  He seems like he might be ready to go day 1.

    He looks good. Thompson looks super athletic. But lets not do the thing where we pretend a true freshman is the answer to our problems. 

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  7. 18 hours ago, tonedeaf said:

    Herman and Beck still on staff......O-Line looks like crap.....7-5.   

    I can't believe Herman has kept Herman on his staff this long. If he doesn't get rid of him before the fall we are in for one hell of a season. 

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