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Posts posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. 5 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

    Ted Cruz should run as Rafael Edward Cruz, b. Calgary, Alberta, who is one half Irish/Italian, son of famed JFK assassin, and noted booger-eater.

    You forgot to add Zodiac killer to that list

  2. On 4/5/2018 at 5:15 PM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Mack did a lot of good for UT football and I think he still can.  It was time for him to step down as coach and I wish he had done that, but that's all water under the bridge.  I view this a s a positive move.


    Nobody seemed to bear Augie any ill will and it was pretty much the same situation.

    Augie being the winningest coach in NCAA history meant that he could coach until he died. Different story with Mack.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    The solicitations for the South End Zone projects have been posted here:


    2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION, SCOPE AND BUDGET: The University of Texas at Austin seeks to build an expansion to the Darrell K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium to replace the existing South End zone bleachers and existing video display with a new South End Zone, video display, and renovate portions of the adjacent MoncriefNeuhaus Athletic Center. This project is a part of Texas Athletics’ ongoing efforts to expand and upgrade their current facilities to provide the best facilities and services for their student athletes, fans, and staff with a critical eye to the latest in student athlete safety, well-being, and rehabilitation. The scope of this project is proposed to include new exclusive suites, clubs, open air concourses, restroom facilities, new coaches offices, a banquet kitchen, premium, Loge, and student seating, private game-day parking, branding graphics, Longhorn Network areas, Sports Medicine/Nutrition areas, hydrotherapy, and other support spaces. The preliminary Total Project Cost (TPC) for this project is $140,000,000. The TPC includes a Construction Cost Limitation (CCL) for the Construction Manager at Risk of $100,000,000. Fees, furnishings, equipment, other work, miscellaneous expenses, and contingencies make up the balance of the TPC.

  4. 21 minutes ago, rickyspub said:

    Still have fears that Herman ends up being Mack Brown. Thinks that you only need talent to win trophies, strategy and tactics be damned. The guys taking home trophies generally have some ability to innovate or scheme their way over equally-talent teams, guys like Mack rack up wins but don't actually bring home the real hardware unless by luck or by recruiting a Vince Young. Outside of Orlando this staff seems designed mostly as a recruiting staff rather than an Xs and Os staff.

    I hope this is a ploy to get the players up-front and then shift some of the coaching staff towards guys who might bring some Xs and Os skills, especially on O. Otherwise, Herman might be able to win big if Orlando decides to pick up the bottle and become the next Bud Foster.

    If Herman thought only talant was needed to win he never would have made it out of Houston.

  5. 1 minute ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Which of our WR’s seemed to improve over the course of the season? Also, the Greek travesty we pretend is a WR rotation is likely his work too. 

    I assumed the idiotic benching of CJ was to prove a point about effort. It still seems like this is a problem from spring reports. Who on our team seemed to improve over the season? It was a shitshow from start to finish. Too much youth on offense.

  6. Here's the interview from Friday that aired today on ESPNU. Ignore grammar mistakes. 


    Playbook: How much momentum does Texas have after the bowl win against Mizzou?

    TH: Well I think the bowl game was momentous for us, and not just because we won a game, and I get that that is the bare minimum, or needs to be around here, winning a bowl game. The fact that we did it without all those guys that left early, without Malik Jefferson, without our starting TE, we were underdogs in the game playing an SEC team that had won six straight ballgames... I think it was a big lightbulb moment for the kids coming back. It was like "oh wow, we can do this, and we can do it in a big way." I think we won by a couple touchdowns... I don't remember the final score, but that gave a lot of credence to the way we do things. [on this spring] And I think there's a familiarity too. It's not like last February doing mat drills. It was the first time they'd ever done it so they didn't know what to expect. Every day was a new day for these guys, and now there is a lot more comfortability from our guys because they know what to expect. 


    PB: Tom, to say your career has been a meteoric rise has been an understatement. Especially since getting in your car after the national championship at Ohio State and headed to take over as the new head coach for Houston. You guys have an unbelievable year there beating Florida State in the Peach Bowl. Another big year after beating Oklahoma, and then you get the keys to the car to one the most preeminent jobs in all of college football, maybe all of sport, that being the head coaching job at the University of Texas. Has it finally settled down for you? 


    TH: A little, Yeah. I'd be lying to you if I said it didn't. Certainly we aren't going to get comfortable around here that's for sure. And for coaches probably the biggest settling down is that I'm in my house and I get to see my wife and kids every day. Where, this time of year last year they were still in houston finishing school and I was trying to buy a house. I was renting Major Applewhite's old house, and there was just a lot of loose ends. This season has felt like a normal offseason, if you will, now we've still got a ton of work to do on our team and on the field. And I think you're right, this is the best job in college sports, and we're here for a reason, and the reason is, this place had gone through the worst three year stretch in its very storied history. That doesn't get fixed overnight and we realize that. It also went through a ton of instability, with four athletic directors, three different head coaches, and two different presidents. So there was a lot of upheaval in a three to four year period that now, with Chris Del Conte here, and Greg Fenves settled into his role, and myself here it definitely feels like there's a sense of normalcy here now. 


    PB: One of the things you were doing this time last year was laying the ground work for the recruiting class that you'd signed in December and February. You mentioned that one of your priorities was making sure that the best players in Texas come to Texas, and that was not the case for the last few years. It was partially your fault (laughs), because of guys like JT Barrett and that sort of thing. How did you then sell the best players in Texas on coming to Texas?


    TH: When we first got here three of the top ten players in the state of Texas were going to Ohio State. It's not like they were going to A&M or Oklahoma, they were going to Ohio State. I think non of the top ten were signing with an in state school. That's bizzaro world to me, I didn't understand it, that didn't make sense to me that's not the way things are supposed to be. So, the one of the things I'm proudest of is I've surrounded myself with unbelievable people in this program, and a big priority for me was people that have relationships within the state. We've signed as a collective staff over 300 sum odd Texas high school football players at our different stops along the way. We have 80 something combined years recruiting just the state of Texas alone. So, I think that was big in getting the foot in the door, and it's all about relationships. Some of the most positive feedback I get from some of the guys I signed in last years class was that when they came and saw us, it wasn't always a sales pitch. There wasn't always the hard sell. It was "how is your mom? How are your grades? How's your girlfriend? How's track practice?" It was true caring and involvement in relationships. So much so that we had committed almost all of that 2018 class before we had coached a game here at the University of Texas. Then you go 6-6 in the regular season and I don't think we had any decommits from any in state kids. We had, I think, two over the course of the cycle, and they were both from out of state. You don't do that if you don't have great relationships with those kids, their parents, and their high school coaches. 


    PB: One more question on Texas and your vision of this particular program. I've always said that to be fair to the football coach a program has to finance its expectations. The expectations at Texas are always going to be at the lofty. They're always going to be at the pinnacle. You have to win the national championship to reach the expectation of this fan base, of this institution because it's been done before. And the resources are available. Did this job become attractive to you when they were courting you, because there were a number of programs courting you, was this attractive because the resources were in place or because you thought it was the best platform to scale the mountain?


    TH: A little bit of both. I think, certainly when you talk about college football, is part of the resource is your recruiting base. That was obviously a huge attraction to this job. The resources were there that I thought probably had been misallocated in different areas. We had fallen behind in the facilities game, we had fallen behind in certain areas from a leadership standpoint. But that made it maybe a little bit more attractive to me. I'll never forget, and I credit our president Greg Fenves and at the time our AD Mike Perrin, when I went to talk to them there were, myself, and two people in the room. That really said a lot to me, because I had heard about all the different cooks that were in the kitchen, or maybe previously had been at Texas, or hands in the cookie jar. Whatever phrase you want to use. There were two people that showed up to talk to me. That made me think, "Hey, maybe this place has it figured out. They've done a lot of soul searching, a lot of evaluating, and they realize what needs to be done." Greg Fenves said, "Tom, we want you to be the CEO of our football program." And I haven't been told no yet. Now I've been very calculated in the things I've asked for, but we had to get our staff, our support staff up to championship standards. We are slowly but surely getting the facilities up to championship status. But all those things they had promised me have come true. So the resources were there, but the commitment to the very aligned (there it is) and singularly, allotment of those resources.  


    PB: Part of being CEO is figuring out your role. You called plays in the bowl game, and it's not something you had done as a head coach, is that something that you would look to do going forward?


    TH: I don't know. We are going to evaluate like we evaluate everything in spring practice. From coaches to players and techniques we are going to evaluate everything. If I feel like I can help in that area, then I will. Part of the reason I did it was I wanted to feel what my offensive staff was going through. Not that I wasn't involved in game day, but when you're that involved in practice and preparation you have a much better perspective of it. If I am going to evaluate one side of the ball I thought it was fair that I put myself in their shoes. We had three weeks to prepare and we had 280 yards of offense, so let's not think that Tom Herman calling plays is the end all be all here. [banter]... And there has yet to be a coach were you're starting a true freshman right tackle, true freshman tight end, or a grad transfer tight end that started that game, this is at Texas mind you, a true freshman tailback, a true freshman quarterback, and a left tackle that was a true sophomore that had only played like 30 snaps or so. That's not a recipe for lighting the world on fire, and I get that, and I appreciate our administrations patience on that side of the ball because we're developing them. The best thing about true freshman is they become sophomores and have time to develop. Yes there are teams that have succeeded with a true freshman quarterback, like the two in the national championship game. But they have so many elite peaces around them when you see that happen. Or you have a true freshman tailback but you probably have a junior or senior QB. So the combination of all of those guys having to play a significant role on offense, and I think we have to get better at coaching them too. We've got to figure out what we can do with them. We've gotta narrow our focus. You know as coaches, I think the fist reaction is "maybe we can do this, or that" and the next thing you know you have a book of plays instead of a playbook. Just a bunch of plays with no rhyme or reason, no system, no compliments to each other. So I think that was a big focus this offseason. This is what we believe in. This is what we think these guys can do now that we know all of them, and this is how we are going to develop these guys in these areas. 



    • Like 4
  7. 12 minutes ago, Bevojoe said:

    Good points above. Fan attendance has been falling off the last few years. The student section is pretty vacant. Game day experience is getting too expensive. After 35 years as a season ticket holder, this or maybe next year will be the last. Besides all game are on the tube and my bar is always open. No lines to take a piss either. 

    Good lord, is this the state of Longhorn fandom? 

    "Fan attendance has been falling off the last few years." I wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with the worst years in UT football history?

    "The student section is pretty vacant." See above. 

    "I've been a donor for 35 years but now it's too expensive." You are grandfathered in. The only thing that's changed is you can actually buy beer where the normal folks sit. 

    This year will not be the last. We are going to make a great run this year. Bet on it. I guarantee you everyone on this board will be snatching up all the tickets they can get. 

    "Besides all games are on the tube.." And what games do you care about besides Longhorn games? Record anything that interests you, also the UT games. See above. 

    "No lines to take a piss either." Piss your pants because I guarantee you I'll be doing the same when we stomp USC at home. 

    Is this really the absolute state of shaggy/surlyhorns? Go to the damn game. There is nothing like the experience. The live band, the hype, the other side of the stadium screaming "Fight" after you scream "Texas." Even during the dark years, the only time I was almost as pumped as winning the natty was beating ND at home. I was there when they pushed our shit in at South Bend. That dark age is over. Get ready. That win won't even compare to whats coming. Everyone likes to feel sorry for themselves and scream "woe is me" when we're down. Fan attendance doesn't mean jack shit when we're losing. Horn the fuck up and get your ass in the stands. You know you want too. Don't regret on seeing the berth of a new era. 


    • Like 6
  8. 30 minutes ago, Speedtrucker said:

    When does Xbox get 2nd map?

    Looks like it isn't gong to be in update 12 which is happening between the 9th-12th, but they are testing it internally so I wouldn't be surprised to see it soon. Release date was slated for early spring.

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