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Posts posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. 16 minutes ago, Baboontyme said:

    This is silly. He drew up a play for his stud to find his own shot. It didn't work. There are about 345 teams that could do worse than Beard (then again I thought Shaka would do great things at UT)

    Let's see what Tech does next year. I have a feeling they'll be pretty good. Beard is probably not going to be at TTU for long. I hope he stays but his star is bright right now, deservedly so. 


    I don’t doubt that he’s a good coach and I’d take him in a heartbeat over Shaka but if you think that was a good “draw up play” after two time outs you’re crazy. 

  2. Rippperoni Bru. I got my hopes up but don't blame him for staying close to home. But the part of that interview when he said that USC has a special plan where he can graduate in three years is fucking stupid. 

    Anyway, can someone explain like I'm five why Katy RB's have a stigma? I like to catch up on recruiting this time of year but I don't follow high school football closely. Is it because the lineman are pancaking everyone in glass' highlight vid? 

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