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Not a Sock

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Posts posted by Not a Sock

  1. 4 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    The most notable part of the Leal article is he mentions that Texas went 6-4 last year.  Does he know we played 13 and went 7-6? Does he not know that colleges play 12 games minimum? It's such an odd thing to say. 



    Because he is blowing smoke up the 9.95 asses. Barring Texas going on an insane playoff run or aggy only winning 2 games and having a NCAA investigation nobody is flipping to the good guys.   

  2. 33 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    I don't give a shit what Bobby Bitchass says, but the fact that Rowland is not particularly good and Herman says there's no separation between him and Dicker right now tells me that the placekicking game is more likely than not to be serviceable at best.

    And yes, I know Herman can coach-speak with the best of them, but it would be strange for him to choose to be candid about many of the other position battles in today's presser and coy about kicking.

    But wasn't Rowlands problem last year that he could nail field goals left and right during practice but once the lights came on he choked?

  3. North Shore RB Zach Evans - As I stated above, I think A&M will land an elite back in 2020 and this staff has strong connections with the Mustang staff so they’re capable of breaking through the North Shore drought. My confidence level would be low but I’d have my pick in for the Aggies.

    So Hamm is just straight up saying he probably isn't coming to A&M but advantage aggy? 

  4. 19 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:


    I must have missed something. Why are people saying Urban is mad at Herman? Was there evidence of this or just baseless speculation?


    Urban hates Herman because everybody gave Herman a large amount of credit for the 2015 national championship. Urban has since taken multiple shots at Herman since through press conferences and recruits and the latest snooker hit piece, with snoop being urbans mouth piece.

  5. I got a theory brewing here. If Urban Meyer really is fired then I think that he was the one who had snook write the hit piece on Herman. We all know that Meyer personally hates Herman but the OSU fan base loved him, so Urban wanted to make sure that OSU couldn't bring Herman in as a replacement he created the rumor that Herman started all this.

    • Like 1
  6. Another thing I am seeing is that this last batch of evidence appears to have come from somewhere else especially the dick pics. Which mean other people are coming forward with information on the OSU program which mean OSU now has to worry about everything, they only had to focus on the info that McMurphy could get from courtney smith now they have to question anyone who had dirt on the program.

  7. 20 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Only local homers will sift through the details to find something to put a shine on their turd of a season.

    For the world outside of the Aggie bubble, the facts are simple. A&M paid $75m for a National Championship Coach coming off an awful season at a football power; how's that working out for you? Some may recall A&M's odd crowing about how much they spent as though it makes them look good.

    Should the Aggies suck, the story will be that the Aggies were foolish to take a gamble with so much money, and Jimbo may be washed up. With each loss, their SEC brothers will laugh at them. I expect scorn and ridicule if the losses pile up.

    And if Taggert at FSU and Sumlin at Arizona do better than A&M the insane amount of shit that is going to be thrown at them will be epic. Also you got to add in FSU, LSU, ND all looking to take many shots at aggy for money whipping them in very public fashion.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Ojo Rojo said:

    I disagree.  This is a guy who is probably the second best head football coach of this generation making millions of dollars a year.  He has an entire staff of people and an entire program and fan base relying on him who would be hurt if he was terminated.  All because of a press conference gaffe?  You have to be perfect in this world or you pay the ultimate price?  I'm sorry, I just don't think that's the way it should be.

    This logic is so fucking stupid it hurts.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, rantanamo said:

    There's nothing in their proposal that couldn't be built into this context. 


    That stadium would have a capacity of like a 120,000 we would never fill that thing. College football attendance is going down across the board adding even more seats is the last thing we need todo.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, Magus Ossis said:

    Hopefully Orlando stays to try to line up just the right job, and we are able to get a better hand on the offensive tiller. I don’t know how fixable a guy like Mehringer is. He is young and was a bachelor. To the degree that he was picking up arrogance and other bad signals from Herman, he may have been (consciously or otherwise) emulating the boss with his poor leadership of his room. I hold out a sliver of hope that he will show a little improvement with age, experience, marriage, and seeing Herman change.

    Who cares? He's doing a shitty job, boot his ass to the curb and get someone who can get the job done.

    • Like 5
  11. 20 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


    We’re still the wealthiest program in the country. When Mack left, then Strong, we were still discussed as the most desirable program in the country for a coach. It’s not like winning is the only thing that kids notice. We can’t use recent championships, but it’s not like high schoolers don’t know where Texas can/should be.


    Recruits don't care about any of that. We are not winning and we are not putting kids in the NFL, that's what matters. 

    • Like 1
  12. Another thing that has happened and this board doesn't want to admit is that we have run out of any sort of recruiting fuel from our succes during the 00s. I was in middle school when we lost to Bama in 2009 since then I have graduated college most of these recruits where in kindergarten tha last time Texas was a contender. 

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