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Posts posted by hornhorn

  1. Just now, GSU&UT said:

    * Some poor person who makes just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, on his deathbed because he was too worried about the cost for his family to go to a doctor which could have diagnosed him early for cancer *

    * Enter hornhorn, a big smart boy with math skills holding a copy of Atlas Shrugged *

    Hornhorn: That's just the way it works, sorry dude. Do you even math bro?

    Strawman much? 

  2. Just now, GSU&UT said:

    Nah, go vote for a Republican if you're so fucking worried about how much this is going to cost instead of how much we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan without somehow crippling the economy.

    The total cost of Iraq and Afghanistan wars(which I'm against as well) in the last 19 years is $2.4 trillion. 

    This is going to cost 3.2 trillion in ONE year. Every year, forever. 

    Do you even Math bro?

  3. Just now, Calihorn said:

    Your opinion means jackshit for the healthcare debate. Republicans don't get an opinion.

    LOL, so does yours.

    Also, not a Republican just a Math aficionado. 

    And lastly, the status quo stays until you can prove overwhelmingly why it needs to change and more importantly, HOW. So you're going to need some of us independents if you need this bullshit passed. So far, you're doing a stellar job of not making your point.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    How can we know exactly to the penny? It's not the production of widgets. Healthcare is variable.

    Penny? How about you round it to the next 10 billion? But you can't. Which is why you respond in this manner:

    3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    But as to the premise, no, fuck you. 100% coverage is the redline. We work from that point.

    Go be a Republican. Fuck off out of Dem discussions.

    You know your ass is owned, now you fuck off and stop acting like a petulant child who wants a toy dumbass. I'll stay right here and keep shoving reality up your ass. 

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    We raise taxes progressively until it is sustainably funded.

    Progressive like how:

    Top 1 percent pays: 37% of ALL the income tax revenue?

    Top 5 percent pays: 60% of ALL the income tax revenue?

    Top 10 percent pays: 70% of ALL the income tax revenue? 

    While the Bottom 50 percent pays: 3% of ALL the income tax revenue? 

    Uh, we already do that. 

  6. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    Cool then raise doctor payouts to a more sustainable rate.

    100% coverage is non-negotiable. It's a red line.

    You're either a piece of shit or you're not.

    Cool then this 32 trillion number doesn't work. The number goes up substantially and that money has to come from somewhere.

    Until Bernie or one of those that support this magic pixie dust can actually tell us what that number is going to be, M4ALL is a no go. Its a red line. Fuck it, make it black!

    You're either with us here on Earth when it comes to Math or you're not. 

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, NowThis said:

    yet the same In Network  doctors accept Medicare Supplement insurance from United Healthcare.

    Two things have nothing to do with each other. To keep the costs at 32 trillion for ten years, the study said we will have to cut healthcare reimbursements by 40% and are unsustainable. Doctors today can accept low payments from Medicare and still stay afloat because they have higher reimbursements from insurance companies which will not be an option under M4ALL. 

    Many doctors do decline Medicare patients for that very reason. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    We spent $3.5t/yr in 2017 with 27.4m uninsured people and hundreds of thousands of people in medical debt.

    Mercatus pegged M4A at $3.3t/yr.

    100% coverage for less money.

    Some people won't want to make even a tiny sacrifice to help others. Fine. Vote Republican.

    Mercatus also said that to keep it 3.3 trillion/year we will have to cut physician reimbursements by 40% which is below their service costs and is unsustainable. So the plan is to drive doctors out of business? LOL OK. 


  9. Just now, NowThis said:

    no there won't be a second payment.  My mom goes to the same In Network doctors that I can go to via the same carrier -- United Healthcare. There is no extra wait time.

    The $3.2 trillion is already funded by premiums from employees and employers.  Incremental monies can come from cuts in other areas such as military.

    Canadian citizens have a second payment if they want a private option without extended wait times. So will we. 

    I get that 3.2 trillion is already funded but we do not spend anywhere close to that amount on anything else. Our entire budget for 2020 is 4.7 trillion, adding a few billion here or there isn't going to impact much.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

    The idea is to sacrifice for the greater good because you need to realize your privilege is why you have amazing, employee-paid insurance and for a family of 5 you pay 1% of your paycheck out of pocket. You are privileged to have that perk and so you should think of others less privileged.

    On the thread about the working class being dead everyone is in agreement that government jobs are where the mentally slow and weak of society go to toil away for a life time of meaningful work stapling papers and filing away $500 hammer receipts, but whenever people talk about a nationalized or M4A, everyone seems to give the government the benefit of the doubt it won’t be a disaster and full of graft and embezzlement like the Medicare/Home Health industry Being run by Nigerian War Lords and Filipino confidence men.

    So you want to ask that mother/father who pays $1500/month in heatlhcare as a self employed person for their family to continue doing so and get extended wait times in return because she needs to realize her privilege?

    Yeah, like I said good plan! 

  11. 22 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    it's not going to be exponential, perhaps 20% increase in patients.  People with insurance will not pay a second time, because they won't need their private insurance anymore; which employers partially fund as well and will continue to do so to M4A.  This is all just a paper change in payment systems, diverting the money away from insurance companies who remain as admins and take some profit, but deductibles and co insurance are eliminated.  More funding can come from military cuts.

    Oh yes people will have to pay the second time if they want the same level of service they do right now. If they don't want to deal with wait times etc.

    And you can defund the military by half and it would only add 400 billion to a 3.2 trillion M4ALL budget. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, BradInATX said:
    31 minutes ago, Rougarou said:
    The idea is to sacrifice for the greater good because you need to realize your privilege is why you have amazing, employee-paid insurance and for a family of 5 you pay 1% of your paycheck out of pocket. You are privileged to have that perk and so you should think of others less privileged.
    On the thread about the working class being dead everyone is in agreement that government jobs are where the mentally slow and weak of society go to toil away for a life time of meaningful work stapling papers and filing away $500 hammer receipts, but whenever people talk about a nationalized or M4A, everyone seems to give the government the benefit of the doubt it won’t be a disaster and full of graft and embezzlement like the Medicare/Home Health industry Being run by Nigerian War Lords and Filipino confidence men.

    But you're not understanding his point! He's saying the problem with providing healthcare to everyone is that everyone would have healthcare!

    Go back to ignoring me, you read no good. Bad Brad! Bad bad Brad!

  13. 36 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    dumb analogy.  My mom  has medicare and goes to the best doctors in the area, pays almost nothing. She's had surgery and paid almost nothing. There is no max out of pocket crap that i have at my job's insurance. It's an awesome value really.

    Not a dumb analogy, once M4ALL passes the service is going to suck due to the exponential increase of patients. There's a reason why Canada has a private option. 

    So you're asking people with insurance to pay the same, possibly more and then get worse service. And if they want the same level of service then make another payment to have the private option. Yeah, sounds like it would be a real popular idea for those. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, NowThis said:

    The $37 Trillion for healthcare over 10 years is already funded by premiums to private insurance which brings about copays, co insurance and high deductibles along with terrible exclusions. M4A will divert the existing funding and solve all the nastiness, as it already does for those 65+ like our parents.  The beast already exists, nothing to reinvent, just give it to everyone.

    That's a ridiculous statement that the left keeps making and here's why it won't work for the ones that already have healthcare: Replace healthcare with travel. Current travel cost for everyone(ones that fly private, first class, economy, train and greyhound) is $3.2 trillion. What we should do is nationalize it and make everyone travel on greyhound premium. The ones that were already traveling on greyhound would love it as they would not pay anything more, possibly even less and get a bump by traveling on greyhound premium. But the ones that weren't, like the ones flying economy, first class or private now get to pay for those same fares and yet have to travel on greyhound premium. Why would they?

    • Like 4
  15. 56 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

    I was just fine renting an apartment before I got married. Seeing these comments about feeling sorry for people who live in apartments is bizarre. If I never got married I'd probably live in an apartment for the rest of my life and be happy with it. Not sure why people want to force their hopes and dreams onto everyone else. Kind of sounds like Varsity Blues

    You just wait, you're about to be called a Boomer by Brad. 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Hornhorn, I know that you want to make it all about education funding, because that concept fits so well in your “warrior for my side” left-right politician war. But lower your sword for just a moment, and think bigger.
    Yes, adequate funding is important. And you bet, shitty parents can cancel out much of the benefit good schooling can give.
    What I’m suggesting is a broader cultural change in how we structure and deliver education. I’m suggesting that it should include components that address and develop critical thinking skills. That it be locally tailored to inform kids about their possible paths, educationally and career-wise. That it have renewed focus on broadening minds and exposing them to possibilities.
    The answer to every problem isn’t either “find it more” or “fuck you commies, no more govt money.” The answer can and should be a fundamental shift in how we approach our institutions. That applies to education, the military, healthcare, etc. Step out of the binary trap. It doesn’t hurt, I promise.

    Brisket, define broader cultural change. 

    We are also possibly talking about different kind of kids. The point I'm making is there's nothing that can be done if kid is 15 and cannot read at that age. And the reason he cannot read isn't because teachers were bad, because for every tenth grade class that has kids that cannot read has kids that can. The difference there are parents. There's nothing you can do when the kid is 15 if he cannot read. Nothing. You have to catch them early and develop them early and cannot do it without the help of parents. 

    Now the kind of kids you are talking about can be impacted through various means and no one is arguing against that. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    How about you go spend some time with some blue collar people then report back.  You’re absolutely wrong.

    Your math was wrong and now you just want to be cunty about it. Now an extra $6k doesn’t help.  


    Be careful, he'll put you on ignore. 

  18. 1 minute ago, BradInATX said:

    You're a fucking idiot. No wonder I have you on ignore:

    - The whole point of the thread was that people like this can't own homes, so "rent a one bedroom apartment for $1,000!" is literally conceding the argument to me. Which of course you would, because you're stupid.

    - My numbers were for a single earner with no family. You think that extra $1k/month in tax break for a single mother supporting a husband and two kids would offset the added expense of TWO CHILDREN AND A GROWN MAN? Jesus Christ you are dense.

    Thank you for the reminder not to ever show your hidden posts. There's a reason you're one of the only two people on this site I have ignored.

    You have no concept of money, math or what is considered a right you self entitled dumbass. You post a miscalculated number and then come back and claim if another $500/month is going to really change anything. 

    You were so vague with your example that you leave no choice but for us to guess. All we see is your handwringing.

    If they cannot afford to live on $70K with 2 kids and a husband(you sexist piece of shit who assumes a RN is a woman),maybe its time for the husband to go get a job. Bootstraps and all that. 

    Go ahead and hide me you dumb bitch because I have a lot of shit to say about your dumb ideas and posts. 


  19. 39 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Straw man AND false dichotomy logical fallacies? WELL DONE!

    Excellent job attributing to me a position that I took [checks Surly]...nowhere.

    Instead, how about we focus on what I expressly said is the foundational issue: education. From elementary on up. It has proven over and over to be great bang for our buck.


    We already do spend a lot on education. The problem is when these kids go back home. What's going to fix the parenting problem? 


    26 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    Sure - we've sort of been in a gray area, and clarifying it is probably necessary.


    This is really for anyone without a college degree (or an Associate's). That's a large swath of our country that you're basically saying "you're never going to own your own castle" and "you're never going to be able to stop working and enjoy the twilight of your life". 


    Let's just walk this out a little bit. Let's go with one of the jobs that a lot of people hold up as an opportunity for the type of people we're talking about - registered nurses. And let's use the high end of the pay scale for RNs in Austin which is $70k, or about $4300 take-home after taxes.

    You can't find a home in the greater Austin area for less than what, $200k? So your mortgage is going to run you $2,000/month. These numbers could be off now, our first house was a $225k FHA loan and our mortage was $1900 - so you can correct me here if I'm off base here. So our nurse has about $2,300 left.

    $400 for groceries
    $300 for the lowest-end internet, power, water, sewer
    $100 for a cell phone which is basically a necessity at this point
    $100 for gas
    Let's call it $50 per month for car repair (this seems low but whatever)
    $200/month for home repair
    $200 car note (this is a super low end basic commuter car, Hyundai type)
    $100 car insurance

    Now this person has $850 left. 

    Take out another $500 for the employee contribution towards health insurance (this is really generous too). 

    Now we have $350/month left for medical bills, cable, holidays/gifts, travel, clothes and household goods, furniture, tools/appliances/utensils, personal upkeep (haircuts etc.), HOA fees, and just generally everything that's required to live.

    And of course someone living on a razor's edge like this is one catastrophe from financial ruin where they have to service debt that they acquired to survive the catastrophe, which makes it even more untenable.

    This person can't afford to own a house. Let alone put anything into retirement. You have a skewed view of what someone on a $70k salary in a city can actually get someone. 


    Educating everyone isn't going to solve the problem. As you said, it's a supply and demand issue. 

    Do you own your home?

    LOL wants to dis-incentivize education. And besides, that runs counter to "well we need plumbers and electricians too", which I guarantee is something you say with some regularity.

    Your calculations are off. If the RN is a married person with 2 kids, only earner he/she takes home $5,300 a month. A full thousand dollars more than you claim. 

    If this is a single RN, then get out of that 2000 sqft house and rent a one bedroom apartment for $1,000/month because that's what you can afford and you'll free up a full thousand dollars in that way. And you don't have to rent forever, just for a few years until you save up a decent chunk for downpayment. Yeah, you'll have to sacrifice and save. 

    You'll also free up another $200/month in "repairs" because you dont' own a house to repair. 

    Those two alone gives you $1200/month or $14,400 /year in disposable income if single.

    $12,000/year of disposable income if married with kids  over and above your budget. 

    So not teetering on the edge of financial ruin. And if you are teetering that close because you cannot budget, get your spouse to dust up the resume and have them be part of the workforce that is at 3.5% unemployment rate. At least during school hours so you dont have to pay for daycare. 

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