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Mrs Whiggins

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Posts posted by Mrs Whiggins

  1. 34 minutes ago, RPM said:

    When is this supposed to happen and where will it be live streamed?

    It's September 20. You seem like a nice person. If you buy the combo hat and t shirt pack, the koozie is free. If you go with Onboard's PPV, for an extra $10 you can access the hidden camera view. This will capture the attendees as they Naruto run toward the facility and you can peek down their shirts.


  2. Haha! He's a sweetheart but he humors me. Our children have been educated in public schools, but there was a local group of rather oppressive homeschooler parents (not anything wrong with folks who go that route but this particular group had a "culty" vibe) and I remarked to him after a gathering we were at where they were present that I need to look into fabricating some learning materials and curricula for this group that feeds into their outlook. If Pearson and McGraw Hill can make billions, we can settle for a few hundred thousand, right?

    He rolled his eyes. Bless his heart.

  3. Whenever something like this comes along, I sometimes get the urge to throw ethics to the wind and capitalize on it. Website with ad clicks, t shirts, koozies, hats, probably everything but straws.

    Combining the idea that Area 51 is not only where there might be alien evidence but also where the hole in the flat earth is. For you see, the earth is flat and therefore must have an opposite side. The gravity keeps the aliens on the other side (think of flipping a piece of paper over) and this hole (located in Area 51) is where they could slip through to "our side." It's the entire reason for why the government wants us to have vaccinations. I'm thinking if I promote "The Other Side" or "The Other Side of Truth" I might be able to converge conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, and anti vaxxers and run with it for awhile.


    And then my husband rolls his eyes.

    • Haha 1
  4. That is about the view I have. Are the French media hyprocritices about it? Bien sur!

    I have been watching the Tour since I was quite young and it was right about the time that Greg LeMond was beginning to make a name for himself. A lot of that had to do with enjoying shows like Wide World of Sports that exposed me to sports other than football (I am female, I knew that my days were numbered as "general extra person in case we run short" as tagalong to an older brother in our neighborhood. But cycling? I didn't need anyone else for that.

    So, I watched every year, some intensely, some sporadic. However, as a lot of the Lance Armstrong, Tyler Hamilton, Jan Ullrich et al news broke, I was busy working, giving birth and just generally too busy to pay attention to the sordid details. I think it is wrong (and dangerous) even if various forms of cheating have existed since the Tour's inception, but I don't see the organizers changing anything.  They are homers through and through and even if I don't agree with it, I am probably going to continue watching for a variety of reasons; one being that I, myself, am a hypocrite.

    It does seem rather unsporting of them to strip LA's titles and leave Ullrich's when both are admitted dopers. The only thing that saved Indurain was the lack of a positive test at that time and that he keeps himself to himself.

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you for the edit; if she had "a**holes" her problems might be larger than being a b*tch. (was it b*tchy of me to point that out?)


    In my own experience, I tend to think of them as similar but gender and intent play a role. Either way, not pleasant to be around.

    • Haha 1
  6. Thank you, yes, I have the triangularis. I am (in no particular order) a rather lazy, impulsive, haphazard gardener. I try and use the Latin if I can recall it. The coleus can get large and showy if that was the effect that JSB was seeking, whereas the oxalis/triangularis don't IMO. We have a western exposure (Zone 8b) so most of my triangularis are in the back in shade but I did divide and put one up front near a red oak in a "root hog or die" approach to see how it did. It is limping along right now but we don't have a HOA and even if the neighbors think dark thoughts about the state of some of our foundation plantings, our lawn is tidy, edged and green (except I think we are acquiring cinch bugs that I am about to go nuclear on) so they keep those thoughts to themselves. We are in the process of transitioning from some poorly planted ligustrums and a crepe myrtle (too close to house/previous owner) that we removed to discovering what will work in a challenging spot near the foundation.


    Sorry for the thread hijack from the original question...



  7. Some of the newer coleus varieties can handle sun. They don't flower (well at least I clip mine when they bolt) but on many varieties the leaves are quite colorful. I'm not too good with "matchy-matchy" and designer stuff but you can pair a pot with a solid color and one with the variegated leaves in a coordinating color. I think (from memory) that the variety 'Wasabi' has almost neon colored leaves. I have one that is wine colored in the center of the leaves and green around the rim. The shamrock plants prefer dappled light, but those have very small blossoms.

    • Like 1
  8. That was some gutsy riding by Landa. I was trying to see if Quintana said anything to him as he rode by but couldn't tell. The rest of the Movistar cyclists that got Landa to the chase group ought to receive some extra portions at supper because they looked spent. Landa is almost 5 minutes back, so what next Movistar?

    What do you all think the strategies will be for the remaining mountain stages? I was about ready to rule Thomas out, but he scratched back some of that time. There are about (?) 30/40 seconds between Thomas (place 2) and Buchmann (place 6) and the latter is 2:14 behind Alaphilippe. Pinot, Kruijswijk, Buchmann managed to follow the attacks without losing much so after one day of rest plus the flatter stage on Tuesday, I hope as the mountains get progressively steeper, the challenges begin coming. I lost track of how many times the lead (not group breakaway "leads" but an individual rider) changed this morning before Yates took over and escaped his lone partner, but it was captivating to watch different teams/groups bridge, reform, lose a few riders and then regroup before another attack. Much more intriguing.


    Looking forward to the upcoming mountain stages later in the week.

  9. When it is the "big" meal planning trip, I try to be efficient. When the youngest one is out of the house and we are retired, then perhaps we will turn it into air conditioned entertainment but for now, I have other things I'd rather be doing than walking up and down the aisles looking for wing sauce.

  10. I'm usually a fairly patient person, but when I go to the grocery store, I have a list and I am there to get the items and get out. If my husband is with me, sometimes I go an aisle ahead and bring items back to the cart to make it go faster. So why the family of I dunno, five, six, seven? along with the main cart plus the kiddy cart feels the need to stretch out along the fresh fish display so that no one else waiting can see anything gets me surly. I have children, so I understand the need to keep children occupied and entertained, but by the time you have more than one, up your crowd control game people.

    • Like 8
  11. Despite all the Froome hate, he was arguably better in the heat than Thomas, but the Ineos train does seem off the rails this year. Bernal was looking around like "what do I do?what do I do?" when Thomas blew up. I was thinking, "go for it kid" since he didn't look to be too strained but about that time the others went for it and he was caught in no man's land. 


    I completely agree re Movistar. Is it Landa? Quintana? Do they not talk to each other? They are a hot mess.

    Alaphilippe is looking pretty good right now. He sat back and didn't have to defend anything and even gained a little time. Wonder if Kruijswijk and Pinot et al will go for it tomorrow. I hope so. I would like to see attack after attack after attack.

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