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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. A drunk illegal wrecked into my wife’s car last year, so that really sucked. But that’s not really my concern. I mostly worry about the ability to absorb a large amount of low skilled workers and creating a new lower class ripe for resentment.
  2. You sure do fantasize about me being gay quite frequently.
  3. We’re just going to disagree on this subject of its efficacy, but Lagunamadre definitely gave me something to chew on regarding eminent domain and the wall.
  4. I’m brown, so I shouldn’t support increased border security? I don’t think so.
  5. Well, we’re hungry for any type of border security. The wall is only part of the solution.
  6. Scary brown people? I’m brown you idiot.
  7. Well If that’s the case, then this discussion really is a waste of time.
  8. I’m very torn on the issue. But if there are still eminent domain cases from 2006, this discussion really is moot.
  9. Of course, the 3’ was just a random number I threw out. I was curious as to how much property the individual would lose. I was genuinely curious, not sure why you feel the need to insult.
  10. Thanks for the link. At first blush, the entire border of Texas is blue on their map, as in no fence, is that correct? Seems unlikely, but I’ll need to explore the site further.
  11. No, I don’t believe anything of the sort. I know it’s not as difficult of a proposition as many on the board are making it though.
  12. I could possibly get on board with 3’, although I would need to see the details first. I don’t relish in the proposition, but fixing our border is that important.
  13. If they can’t manage access to the river, then they need to hire another architect. It shouldn’t be terribly difficult to manage. I would have to know how much land they are needing for the wall, but my initial reaction is reluctance to force their hand. I’ve talked to quite a few ranchers, but I can’t recall if any lived on the border.
  14. I think the specifics of the wall have become somewhat muddled. People think of it as one continuous wall and I don’t believe that to be possible. I would think they reinforce the existing wall that has become useless and build it where it makes sense. If it happens to fall on someone’s property, then I would need to read the plans to make a decision. Are we talking 3’ into someone’s property? 10’?
  15. Yes, I can’t imgaine them not wanting to protect their property, but forcing them to would worry me.
  16. I don’t understand this need to reflexively label someone a troll that disagrees with you, it comes across as very weak. A wall would be welcome news, but really any semblance of a plan to fix the broken border would suffice. I guarantee you that if he starts taking people’s land, Texans will start to abandon ship. I would be one of them.
  17. Good news is partly a wall, that won’t solve the entire problem though. Yes, I’ve favored a border wall for years. No, I’m not in favor or eminent domain. If they enjoy strangers wandering onto their property, more power to them. A blank check? No. It’s going to cost money, but the number does matter at the end of the day.
  18. Nobody needs to win or lose, that places an unnecessary strain on policy decisions. I’m looking forward to his plan of securing the border, which I’m hoping involves a wall, but that by itself won’t be enough. I would immediately hire more border control and send hundreds of judges to deal with the broken border and overburdened system respectively. Jihadist, sweet, the list has grown. I’ve already mastered racist, homophobe, etc.
  19. You’ve proven to be very sensitive, so I will remain civil.
  20. Pity away, I’m interested to hear his decision on the shutdown and if we can anticipate a border wall. I’m hoping for some good news.
  21. Well, some of us aren’t on Twitter and would like to hear what he has to say.
  22. No, I’ve stated it should be aired. I’m not sure where I lost you.
  23. I think they should air him because he’s the president of the United States and he’s possibly declaring a state of emergency. Owning the libs was tiresome a week after his election, so that never enters into my rationale.
  24. They’re going to air him, who are they kidding?
  25. Gotcha, seems very similar to the travel ban. I would assume Trump ultimately wins, but it could take many months.
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