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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FreeHorn

  1. Had a conversation late this week with a Defensive GA and he believes the DLine is going to be much better than last year. Better pass rush with the same ability against the run. I chalk that up to coaches talk but he thinks Murp and Bledsoe are animals. If Tapp can stop the run they will unleash him. He likes the transfer from Wake but felt it was not needed. Believes Brooks will be the best corner on the team by year end and doesn’t want the other CB starting just for the sake of starting. Brooks and his family were very confused as to why Jamison started the bowl game after Brooks had basically took the spot towards end of last year. Poly LB has the goods. All football. All the time. Long term Hill will be drafted higher but Poly LB is going to be a stud. Blackwell is not mentioned much but he busted his ass to put on weight to compete. I’ll check back in closer to end of spring and we see how things look when the pads are on.
  2. As of now Cam has been told he is all tackle. Neto and Campbell are going to get as much run as they can at guard this spring so that limits moving Jones to guard and Cam to first team to see how it looks. The message to Cam has been consistent tho. You’re a NFL RT and as long as you show some patience that spot is yours in the future. Monster 😂 Spell check did not help me out on that one.
  3. Neto and Connor is going to be the true battle this spring. If Neto knows/learns the playbook well it will be tough to for Connor to hold on to that spot.
  4. Bledsoe working out with the inside guys is interesting. Last year Bo and PK disagreed about where they should play him. PK thinks he could be a mister EDGE while Bo sees him as a disrupter in the middle as he continues to grow and put on weight. He started out going back and forth in fall camp but eventually was “moved” inside as season went on because he “got along better” with Bo and the inside room. I use quotation marks because that’s what I was told but they didn’t go into much detail about the getting along better comment.
  5. To be honest our tampering game with one of the Aggies was pretty strong. When you get to the point where people are picking roommates, jersey numbers and agreeing on NIL numbers I think you’ve done a damn good job tampering.
  6. Gotta give credit where it’s due, on game day it was PK show. Halftime GP made suggestions but he stayed in his role on game day for the most part. during the week tho, GP was all over game planning and practicing to implement those schemes and plans. That’s also where they would have their differences. GP only knows how to practice one way. If it ain’t intense then it’s wrong to GP.
  7. This is why I really want to hire Tee Martin or Wiggins from Alabama. I know people on the board are worried about recruiting or other stuff with those two but im not worried about recruiting at Texas. I want somebody to walk into that room on day one and be able to say I’ve coached multiple NFL picks/pro guys. I’ve handled the ego of a room full of studs. Get in line and and join the list of guys who are getting paid real money, or bullshit and watch you ruin yourself. Also they need some real competition in that room. Cook coming in and pushing for legit PT or the transfer WR coming in would do wonders for that room. Whit gotta be more vocal. He a lead by example guy. That room needs a vocal leader. Bad. Somebody who you fear might smack somebody for getting to far out of line. With Quinn being so quiet there was just a large leadership vacuum. Only so much Ro and Bijan could do.
  8. I hate when Chip is some what correct cause I hate him and don’t think he should be allowed anywhere near the team. Defensive coaches say Worthy the drama Queen was created and Marion and Sark did a terrible job managing him and played a big part in his ego and effort issues. The WR as a whole wasn’t managed very well. Marion is excellent on the chalk board and can teach the position but he was way to caught up in 1. Being more friend than coach and 2. Promoting himself. Coleman was better for the actual WR room, just was a deadman walking on the recruiting side of things.
  9. At this point I’m not sure Evan even believes the stuff he says out loud.
  10. I won’t run from the negs if my info turns out to not come true. I know I was one of the people who said it. But I heard it directly from Evan and his parents multiple times.
  11. Blake will forever be grateful to GP. GP invested a lot of time into Blake and hopefully continues to do so. The safety room was night and day different this year compared to last. GP’s main issue this year was he thought the scheme would get to soft at times. He too wanted to see more press looks and coverages versus some of the games where we let them have free five yard hitches and outs all game long.
  12. Patterson worked his ass off. Patterson and Bo Davis got really close this year because they felt like they were the only coaches who were really full of “fire” consistently. Bo has told plenty of people that GP would be more upset at practice than actual position coaches and that was a major concern. People “believe” he could have been used even more than he was this year and they hope he comes back next year.
  13. Roach uses that same quote about Jones being the recruiter of the year at Texas every time we have an WR opening. Legit third time he has used the same exact quote/blurb. we get it Mike.
  14. If I was Sark I would get a blank check and make Jeff Scott tell me no.
  15. Marion has been trying/begging for an OC job for months. He literally would have taken ANY OC job available. For a while in December he basically stopped recruiting because all he was focused on was getting a new job. He got his ass back focused when he realized he was getting a job at the time but he been focused on himself for a while. Good recruiter, good relationship builder but did a bad job holding that WR accountable. Some of that is on Sark as well but Marion let Worthy get away with whatever. Our receivers didn’t improve this year and Worthy actually played better under the last coach. There will be people in that room happy with this move. Hopefully Sark has somebody lined up.
  16. Coaches originally asked JWhit, Jones, Ovie and Moro to come back. So far two of those are taking the offer. I can say that there was major disagreement between defensive coaches on Ovie so it makes sense that he decided to move on. Not all the coaches wanted him back.
  17. I agree but it’s also not my money or me also having to work all those egos and expectations. Also would help to keep Red happy because of the True Buzz connections. True Buzz has been a friend of the program with Red, Watts, and helping stay in the race with Ant Hill. I don’t know who we end up with in the WR room but J Mic would have been my guy from day one. Evan gets more attention and rightful so, but J Mic a dog and his word is more reliable.
  18. This is where Hooks is the gift and the curse. He has a really solid relationship with Sark and that relationship has helped us get into recruitments and win recruitments. The problem this cycle is Hooks is the trainer for the Cal WR, Cook, Evan, and Neyor. The Cal WR is/was very obtainable but you gotta be straight with Hooks and all the kids because they all talk or communicate with/through Hooks. You can’t tell Evan one thing J Mic something else. I am NOT saying that happened just an example of how this specific portal run has complicating factors. It’s a thin line as well cause Cook is coming to get reps while Hooks also wants to make sure Neyor gets a chance to bounce back. I don’t envy the coaches position on this one. But a WR with Worthy, J Mic, Evan, Neyor and Cooks would be amazing. Also possible with the right plays behind the scene.
  19. Maybe he is in SouthLake visiting an old QB friend. Evan plays a lot of games but now that the OC has been hired we will know soon if he is staying or not.
  20. The football program had no problem letting him return. Other aspects of the university are very glad to see him and Chris go. Very surprised he had the grades to even transfer.
  21. 100% agree on Denver Harris. Even tho the North Shore staff is not his biggest fan as of today, they still believe he was a decent kid who just wasn’t mature enough to be a leader instead for a follower. Most people close to him swear him becoming close to Chris Marshall was the start of his decline. His parents were begging him to stop hanging out with Chris. Mom begged Aggie to let him stay once she knew for sure Chris was leaving the team.
  22. I’m starting a go fund me to keep Blue at Texas. Texas football needs@closetojumping to give us the golden football to break the curse that has plagued Texas football for the last 10-12 years.
  23. He was great in Brent V’s scheme. Looked lost and disinterested in current scheme.
  24. I personally believe Bledsoe will be the best pass rusher out of that class. We definitely need to hit on two from that class. I really like Finkley but I don’t think he will a huge sack guy coming off the edge.
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