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Michael Knight

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Posts posted by Michael Knight

  1. 1 minute ago, RayDog said:

    We can never really know how good a president someone will be until they are in the job. I am hopeful that we chose more wisely next time. We certainly can't do worse.

    Maybe that guy from the Jinx would be worse

  2. 7 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    The US could easily have a Democratic president for 16 years or more starting in 2020. After Texas, Georgia, and Arizona turn firmly blue over the next 10 years it is hard to see how the Republicans will win it again. It will take some major changes or major democratic screw up.

    So there is a chance to have an FDR-like period to stabilize things assuming we ride out the inevitable world depression that is coming. 

    I'm a Democrat and let me tell you, there is no FDR currently in the Democratic party

  3. I think its safe to say the Age of American Hegemony is on a swift decline (good job Putin), tho much like the Roman empire our economic influence will outlast our actual influence. The only question is who or what will replace it?  What does the next 20 years look like, will the world be fragmented into differing spheres of influence or is there a transformative world leader on the horizon? It's a pretty safe bet that such a leader won't be American but if we're lucky they'll be friendly.  I'd like to think we recover some normalcy domestically but unless another FDR is hiding somewhere our foreign influence has been permanently crippled. It's been nice being on top (at least for us), so hopefully the next world power won't fuck us as much. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Deej said:

    King of Comedy. Scorcese movie that doesn't get enough respect. Ahead of it's time. DeNiro's character is eerily similar to Travis Bickle, IMO. Awkward loner living in a fantasy. Makes a good double-feature with "After Hours".

    Eerily similar, it's the same actor playing the same character for the same director 6 years later

  5. 1 hour ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Trump is in a pissing match with the Euros.  It's about trade.  I don't agree with his position but I have no trouble understanding what is going on.  I'm not sure why so many here don't get it.  He was insulting Macron the same way the New England Patriots insulted him - don't show to their party.

    It was the Eagles moron. If you can't even be bothered to pay attention to the facts then don't fucking have an opinion

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Is that good or bad?

    You know, you can find Senate subcommittee hearings on topics like that.  Guess how many of, say, 21 Senators on the committee will be there? 


    If they come at all they give a speech and leave.  On or two are designated to do their turn in the barrel and conduct the meeting.  You will not see 21 Senators in rapt attention.


    Fuck off fuck face

    • Like 2
  7. What Happens When a Bad-Tempered, Distractible Doofus Runs an Empire?



    One of the few things that Kaiser Wilhelm II, who ruled Germany from 1888 to 1918, had a talent for was causing outrage. A particular specialty was insulting other monarchs. He called the diminutive King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy “the dwarf” in front of the king’s own entourage. He called Prince (later Tsar) Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, “Fernando naso,” on account of his beaky nose, and spread rumors that he was a hermaphrodite.


    The real lesson of Kaiser Wilhelm II, however, may be that Trump’s leaving office might not be the end of the problems he may bring on or exacerbate—it may be only the beginning.


    • Like 2
  8. Disney just had 2 movies combine for over 3 billion this year alone and for the all the shit the star wars dicks give the Last Jedi it's the 11th highest grossing movie of all time and would be in the top 10 if not for the aforementioned 2 movies. Solo is seen as a disappointment and maybe they will rethink their strategy but I guarantee they don't see Rian Johnson and TLJ as a mistake. Likely they will just write it off to trouble production and will go with safer picks to helm their next projects. We will get a Bobba Fett movie and an Obi-Wan movie and likely a Lando movie or maybe a Solo sequel with Lando in a bigger role

  9. Quote

    Taking place thousands of years before the events of “Game of Thrones,” Goldman’s series chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour. And only one thing is for sure: from the horrifying secrets of Westeros’ history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East to the Starks of legend–it’s not the story we think we know.

    Goldman co-created the project with George R.R. Martin, whose “A Song of Ice and Fire” novel series serves as the basis for “Game of Thrones.” Goldman and Martin wrote the story, with Goldman writing the teleplay. She will also serve as showrunner. She and Martin will executive produce along with Daniel Zelman and “Game of Thrones” executive producer Vince Gerardis.



    The exact nature of the plot of each project has been kept under tight wraps, though Martin has previously made clear that each project is a prequel rather than a spinoff and that none of the current main cast of the series will be involved. He has also ruled out fan theories that any of them will focus on his characters Ser Duncan the Tall and Aegon the Unlikely, or Dunk and Egg as they are popularly known. He has also said that Robert’s Rebellion will not be the subject of any of the prequels.


  10. 25 minutes ago, The People’s Elbow said:

    Biden may be mud-worthy but the connection to Obama and Clinton may energize the alt-right base.

    I would like to see a moderate purple state governor make a run for it on the D ticket: push into the middle and pull some of moderate right because you get the “never Trump” votes on the left for free. Don’t play so hard into the reality tv battleground on which Dotard accels, and bore the alt-right base to sleep such they won’t bother effectively mobilizing their vote. 

    consistently moving to the right for the democrats has worked out so well. democrats don't want republican-lite candidates and republicans will just call them socialists anyways

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, slorch said:



    Not butthurt either.


    y'all will never understand why Kap is wrong, but go ahead and declare everyone who disagrees with him a racist.


    the attempted validation of PC wetdreams never stops.  Troll on, motherfuckers...

    Uh, in case you didn't notice kneeling during the anthem is the exact opposite of being politically correct

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