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Posts posted by pearlandhorn

  1. 4 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    He’s going to be suspended indefinitely while they do an “investigation”.  Interim coach.  Then they will implement the sentence of the court of public opinion which may be influenced if any new shit comes to light.  He could still coach there again.   No inside info.  

    I hate to say it but I'm going to agree with you.  He's a piece of shit and he's going to have a medical condition when things can't be blanketed any longer and he'll leave for 3 years and come back to another program.  Shit will come out when OSU gets a new coach just like what Florida dealt with.

  2. Listening to a radio station in Colombus and the host is literally the most tone deaf piece of shit I've ever heard.  "Does he get a pass?  I hope so.  Zach Smith was never convicted of domestic violence by police anywhere prior to this incident!"

  3. 6 minutes ago, OrangEngr said:

    I guess I’m confused, since every single website calls it the 2015 incident

    I might be a little off base.  I'm not sure when she started going to people about it.  If it was 2015, Herman is in the clear (as you or someone said he was hired by UH in 2014).

  4. 8 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Lowell Galindo is *literally* the worst pxp/cc man in the business. The absolute worst. He's apparently a nice guy but he is a traveshamockery doing in-game broadcasts. He treats games like studio shows, asking long, rambling, inane questions, starting and persisting with trivial conversations and arguments during game play, and insisting on using modern slang and asinine nicknames for all of the players. I can't describe how much I hate him when he's on my TV. This is goddamn Texas; the bar has been set: Ron Franklin, Bill Schoening, Craig Way; these are standard at Texas. Lowell Galindo is a fucking clown, a milquetoast yes man, and a reported jock sniffer who brags about the people he knows irl. He is the absolute worst, and the people who've decided to make him the face of the network need to be exiled to a desert island filled with hundreds of TV's, incessantly blaring Lowell Galindo programs 24/7, no commercials. A punishment that fits the crime. I'd rather watch Ric Renner and Dave South announce a meat judging contest than listen to another second of Lowell Galindo.

    Never go full Derka...wait...

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  5. Good luck on your physical bud.

    weighed myself after working outside for a few hours. I lost 2.5 pounds from working outside. So damn hot. I was 242.5.

    this morning I was 245 even. I’ve crossed 70 pounds lost, down from 316. Feel great, look a lot better too. My goal for right now is to hit 216 for 100 pounds total. I’m almost 4 months in. Keto and lifting is amazing.

  6. Grabbed a pedometer at the gym this morning to test my body fat %. When I started there a little over a month ago, I was 32.9% bf. I am now 24.9%. It's off a little from what the navy method calculates but I’m happy with the overall progression. Should have started lifting and exercising when I first started dieting.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Longhorn Al said:

    You definitely don't have the most to lose.  I wear that badge with shame.  But you are younger than me by 5 years.

    I've lost 80 lbs and still weight 337.  When I reach my goal, I'll be 200 lbs down.  I could be on a magazine or something.

    You’re doing great man.

    Funny story - life insurance guy who my wife got quotes from the day I started this journey called back a week or so ago and asked if we wanted to proceed. My wife told him that they’d need to run a new quote for me. Told him I’d lost over 60 pounds the last 3 months. Insurance guy wants me to write a story to be published in their flyers when I’ve reached my goal. I don’t know what my goal is yet though.

  8. 10 hours ago, Lobwedgephil said:

    Just ended, out of nowhere slept through the night, and it just continued on like that after that. 

    Can verify. Our kid is 2 now and he rarely wakes during the night. Sleep regressions were tough. Combining with pushing teeth and it’s living hell. Hell, he slept until 10 on Thursday morning and 10:30 Wednesday morning. Growth spurt time!

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