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Posts posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Question for some of you guys who are also lifting/working out while doing this dieting.  What kind of workouts are you doing?  Lifting and cardio?  Just lifting?  Just cardio?

    I'm at 279 as of this morning and want to get back in to shape and am motivated to speed up the weight loss.  Plan is to join a gym this weekend and go in the mornings before work.  Thanks.

  2. Gained 2 pounds over the weekend from eating good BBQ and stress drinking (I don't typically drink much at all).  Back up to 283.  Back to work and my normal life.  Last hurdle is a vacation up to Colorado in a few weeks then nothing planned for a long time.  Going to continue the low carb and try to keep at it while I'm on vacation.  I'm so close to being in 270s that I can taste it.

    Support here is awesome.  Thanks guys.

  3. I took astronomy in college for my science credits.  Bitches love astronomy.  For anyone who doesn't believe there other complex carbon based life forms in the universe (are there any of those people left?), take a look at that picture.  Makes you feel very, very small in the grand scheme of things.  We aren't special.

  4. 3 hours ago, nolongerU2horn said:

    2 gallons a day what the fuck man

    I’ve had a few people tell me they had bad experiences with kidney stones when doing to low carb diet. They said their doctors told them they didn’t drink near enough water.

    Drinking a ton of water helps me stay full for longer as well. Don’t have much hunger during the day while I’m drinking water. You should try it. I piss about 10 times during my 10 hour day at work.

  5. Down to 282 this morning.  34 pounds lost since April 6.  Feeling great.  I've noticed that my hunger pains are pretty much gone and I'm only eating once a day with a snack of mixed nuts at either 1 PM or 8 PM.  Dinner consists of low carb food (eggs last night, salad night before).  Mainly drinking coffee and about 2 gallons of water per day.  No sodas or anything of that nature. 

    Had a 6 pack of tall boys last Friday when I went to a concert.  Last Saturday, woke up and worked outside cementing beams in for a patio cover.  Checked my weight on Sunday and lost a pound from Friday morning to Sunday morning.  I'm assuming I sweated out the booze.  Amazing how much more confidence I feel in my appearance.  Can't wait to lose 34 more pounds.  Wife has been more in to me as well.  Feels good.  I need to hit the gym soon and start toning up.  Just gotta make time.

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  6. Didn't really have a relationship with my mom's parents (called my mom's mom Nanny).

    My dad's parents - Gangy and Paw Paw.  My cousin (dad's sister's daughter) tried to call my grandmother Grandma but it came out Gangy and it stuck.

    My mom is MeeMaw and my dad is Pap Pap for my son.  I'm from TX.

  7. 8 minutes ago, golfclap said:

    Not sure if this has been posted. Completely unwilling to go back and try to find out. Herman, Chang and the rest of those cats are on a completely different level when it comes to understanding what Texas is. The last component will be the on-field results and I am confident that it is coming, but this shit right here? This stuff matters and we haven't had a coach truly understand and use it to his advantage. Not like this.  \m/  


    I'm pretty sure this was filmed when Charlie was still the head coach...I may be wrong but I thought I remember seeing this well over a year ago.

  8. 21 hours ago, deft said:

    In a little over 36 hours fasted right now. There’s no goal length of time I’m shooting for beyond 72ish hours. If I feel decent tomorrow evening, I’ll try to keep it up. Otherwise, I’ll break by having a small keto meal.

    I feel like absolute shit right now though. Allergies are wrecking my ass and carb flu isn’t helping either.

    When the wife had carb flu, she drank a lot of water and Gatorade. Just an FYI.


    I gained a few pounds over the weekend thanks to a steakhouse visit. Back on the grind and back to 286. 

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