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  1. Crossing the finish line erases all that pain!
  2. I said the same thing in 2023 at Houston. I then proceeded to sign up again that night for the next year lol
  3. Kinda like how people say you are halfway through a marathon at mile 20. Prior to running a marathon, I thought this was total bullshit, then I bonked at mile 22 of my first marathon and it was like a lightbulb going off.
  4. I swam Lady Bird Lake/Colorado River two months ago for the Austin CapTex Tri. I survived. Edit: I also take 6,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily...so I have that going for me.
  5. I still need to get my long rides in for sure, with some brick sessions after. It’s so damn hot here in Houston though. I also don’t drink (family history blah blah blah) so I can stay focused. When you say you had a bad run on your 70.3 because of your bike, what do you mean?
  6. That’ll be a great time, especially your first full distance! When I volunteered at IM TX, the folks I was helping off the bike were saying that they were way undertrained on the bike. I was walking with one (I took bikes and racked them for the athletes) and he said he should have done way more training on the bike. He said his longest ride was only 85 miles. I’ve always thought you need to ride greater than your race distance which is why I’m going for 65 or 70 for my longest ride.
  7. You aren't the first person to tell me this and you won't be the last. Got in a 26 mile bike ride before work yesterday morning (very little sleep - trying to get back on central time from hawaiian time) and got a 9 mile run in this morning before work. I've been neglecting the gym and need to make it back in for some strength training so I'll hit that tomorrow along with a swim. Now that I'm about 10 weeks away from Waco, weekends will be exclusively long ride and long run days. I'm going to build back up to 65 miles on the bike. This weekend will be a 45 mile ride Saturday followed by an 11 mile run on Sunday. I may do a few miles run Saturday at the end of my bike session just for some practice. As I ramp up for Waco and get more mileage in on the bike on my long rides, I'll extend the runs on Saturdays (before football season of course) and be back by 11 central in front of the TV.
  8. Texas didn’t recruit you because nobody recruited you. He fucking walked on at aggy.
  9. Currently staying up north of Lahaina in a condo, beachfront, about a 10 minute drive from Lahaina. Honolua Bay on the north side of Maui has some of the better snorkeling areas on this side of the island. The place can get pretty crowded and there’s no sand on the beach. It’s just rocky area with some branches that have fallen where you can sit. Not kid friendly for the young kids not able to snorkel yet. Wife, 8 year old and I went to Kihei beaches at the beginning of the trip but it was too choppy/windy to snorkel. Great beaches down in Kihei for little kids and families who just want to bake in the sun. Haven’t ventured to many other beaches though. Haleakala is currently closed due to wildfires that broke out last week. My wife and I did that about 10 years ago when we honeymooned here but we wanted to take the boy. I’ve done Hana before when I was a kid. Lahaina is just a sad town right now. Apparently they’re making progress but there’s still burnt buildings standing. On the inland side of the highway, they have cleared the land and looks like they’ll start construction within the next few months hopefully. Really enjoyed the trip. We’re leaving Sunday. Best part: didn’t pay for shit. Worst part: sister-in-laws were here. See Holiday thread for further info.
  10. Is Paia Fish Market one of the better places to get fresh fish in Kihei?
  11. Also ran a half marathon yesterday morning up the coast of Maui. Pretty zonked this morning. Time ended up being 1:51 or so. It was warm yesterday and I got sunburned swimming. We’re leaving Sunday and I miss my bike.
  12. No, but I’ve swam the enchanted waters of Honolua Bay:
  13. Crushed Mr. Gatti’s at MLK a few times during my school days (late 2000s) when I was 300+ pounds. Still crush it to this day at the one in League City at 185 pounds. Cheese sticks, thin crust pepperoni, and BBQ chicken pizza are the best. Wife and kid love it too. They know I won’t go to CiCi’s. I ain’t eating that cheap shitty pizza. Let’s go to Gatti’s.
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