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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. I DD a full size truck and drive a Jeep on the weekends. If I had a Jeep as a DD I’d want a hard top which kills the fun and ease of taking the top off. If I was going to do a hard top Jeep I’d just get a 4Runner and be done with it. 

    It would be a hard top jeep anyway. But I feel like I could get more features out of a Jeep and have something a tad more manly than a 4Runner for a cheaper price.
  2. Cannot bring myself to care about the mental health of the wealthy conservative celebrity class. Shove them into the dustbin of history where they belong and hope they rot away quietly.

    But mental health is a huge concern that just gets pushed aside these days.
  3. Exactly. The NFL should just leave them all in the locker room or not televise the anthem but the military will be pissed. The right wing nuts will be pissed. The protestors will be pissed. The media will be pissed etc etc etc. 
    The NFL should stay out of politics and leave that to the individual players and their own chosen causes. Players can and should use the platform game gives them to whatever ends they desire, and the NFL has the right to protect their business from the firestorm of in game political protests. 
    The players damage the very product that gives their voice any weight. 

    Which is why the best course of action would have been to do nothing. The nfl was going to face shit either way. Just continue with SOP as it was is easily the best route to have gone.
  4. I hate to say this but Obama does need to take some responsibility for the political climate that gave us Trump.  America obviously had a serious problem that was being neglected by the Obama administration.  

    That’s a stupid fucking take. He needs to take responsibility for being black is essentially what you’re saying.
  5. How would John Kelly know if Kushner was going to indicted?  The whole point of the Mueller investigation is to separate it from the DOJ.  Outside of the Mueller team, the only one at the DOJ who should have any indication whether a indictment is pending is Rosenstein. 

    Tuco, why must you be so rational? Prepare yourself with dozens of dumb fuck questions with no rebuttal to this from sheeeit
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