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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Bevo&Pevo

  1. What a train wreck last night.  Jeez, I try to be optimistic.  I want to back DP, but this year is beginning to frustrate me.  I feel like this a bad marriage and I'm trying to decide between staying or the divorce.  I'm going to keep watching, but I'm thinking DP may be coaching his last here.  

    Let's get 'em today!

  2. I received an email from AnOrdain this week for a show in Atlanta.  My email said the event was free entrance, but I had to RSVP.  If you get email from AnOrdain, you want to check it if you are in the area.  If it were in the HTX, I'd figure out a way to go. I find the Arcanaut brand is piquing my interest.  Here's the link.

    Atlanta — Intersect (intersectwatchshow.com)

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