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Burnt Ends
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  1. I'll add this addendum... 3. Everyone stays healthy.
  2. Hopefully, they will allow him to keep the head and cape for taxidermy purposes, even if he doesn't win. Very impressive kill.
  3. ^^ well his dad isn't much better.
  4. The 40 Acres will be well represented. 37 current or former Texas Longhorns competing at 2024 Olympics | kvue.com
  5. I forgot to post from last weekend. I told Dad about the Freer HS band trying to get to Canton for Steve Mc. He said he would stop at the Liberty Cafe for a take home meal and drop in some cash. The cafe staff told him the time for donations was over and they had met their goal. Congratulations to all interested parties. Hook 'Em.
  6. Entertainment by South Austin's mom? Asking for a friend of course, or those too embarrassed to ask themselves.
  7. Very unlikely that NG would freeze because it is mostly methane. However, if the NG stream has any water molecules, well there's the problem. Found this today on Memorial Dr. Yikes, you'd think the city would have done something with this one by now.
  8. Pro Tip for you guys who use gasoline and worry about running out of gas in the middle of the night. There isn't no rule that states you can't add a bigger fuel tank to your unit. It may take a little homework or fab work, but it can be done.
  9. Alvin, Theodore and Simon were named after the record company peeps who said it wouldn't work.
  10. Dad drove up to Victoria yesterday to have an exchange of goods and tools. So, we met at Moo Moo on S Moody. The Hot Dang with Onion Rings sure hit the spot. Link to the menu. Menu | Moo Moo Fried Chicken | Victoria, TX (moomootexas.com)
  11. plug a box fan into it and let the air blow on the cylinder head.
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