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  1. Exactly. I follow my Dr.’s advice. He, of course, recommends vaccines for the usual deadly diseases and the Shringrix and the one for girls that prevents cervical cancer. We’ve vaccinated our girls with every available vaccine when they were young. I get an annual flu shot every year-as I did two weeks ago. But my doc says the Covid shots don’t really work based his anecdotal evidence and what he’s read and he’s seen that they actually reduce your immunity in general. My layman’s observation is that they are not effective. So after two Pfizer shots and a Moderna booster I stopped getting them. So far so good. I got Covid in June 22 (8 months after last booster) and it wasn’t as bad as my seasonal allergies. I’ve been exposed numerous times since then at numerous weddings (sitting 2 feet away from people that had Covid) and other events and still haven’t gotten sick again.
  2. I’ve wondered this as well. How many Covid boosters are being given? Last I looked—been about 2 years, it was a very small percentage of the country that is still getting boosted. Surely still in the millions though. My last booster was 11/21.
  3. That’s near the top of my list. I saw The Exorcist when I was 16 and it completely freeked me out.
  4. The Graduate. I was probably 7 or 8. I always had a thing for Anne Bancroft after that.
  5. I agree with the usual advice to never cooperate with the police--especially if you are either, in fact, guilty, or if there is some (even a little) circumstantial evidence pointing to your guilt, as in this case. But say I'm playing golf with friends and I'm texting my wife about dinner that night and that she'll go to the store to get stuff to cook, then our security cam shows her leaving the house, but she never returns home, her phone is off and she's nowhere to be found when I get home 3 hours later, I'm reaching out to friends to see if they know anything and I'm calling the police and telling them everything I know.
  6. We even had Jews! Yep, he was a few years before my time.
  7. We had our share of dorks like everyone. Legacies and others sometimes get in. But for the most part, as far as frats go, we were pretty diverse. We had some blue bloods, regular guys not with a lot money, small town guys, etc. That was early 80’s. College was fun.
  8. I was a Pike but several years older. I’ve talked to guys that knew him and they said he was a normal guy. They would not have imagined him being a wife killer.
  9. That’s what I was thinking. But the Aggie one is still the go-to.
  10. It was a good day. Played Whispering Pines and then listened to and then watched the Horns kick OU’s ass.
  11. Good post for the thread. I love John Wayne.
  12. Shawshank Redemption is way overrated. I’ve tried to get through it several times and I’m bored to death and stop watching.
  13. It’s what they do. We shouldn’t be surprised by it.
  14. Thankfully. Still forecasted to be a major hurricane at land fall. And the radius of hurricane force winds has increased from 30 miles from the center to 35 miles from the center. That width is forecasted to increase before landfall, but hopefully it stays relatively narrow.
  15. Cool. As Patton (in the film) said to his Russian counterpart, I’ll drink to that to one son of a bitch to another.
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