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Hugo Stiglitz

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Posts posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. 2 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    There were a lot of gun owners "in on the conversation" on the old site/thread.  That was a long thread and shit got repeated over and over again.  How many times does a gun owner need to repeat themselves when "gun control advocates" keep regurgitating the same arguments that had already been hashed out numerous times.  When a new news story broke you would see new folks pop in the thread who obviously had not read any of it because they would repeat the same arguments ("talking points" if you have a partisan bent) that had been discussed many times before.

    All true, much of the behavior is media driven because the conversation comes up across all media outlets after a massacre.  

    However, I think we're starting to see some gun owners come around to considering sensible legislation regarding guns.

    People can change their minds on how best to approach the issue. 

  2. I’m a multiple gun owner, (like over 20) and I’m all for sensible gun law reform like expanded background checks and limiting magazine capacities.  

    By limiting magazine capacities, you remove the need to ban a particular firearms like the AR-15.  

    Also, I’m not advocating banning high capacity magazines altogether. Just prohibit the sale of them going forward.

    I know these reforms will not necessarily reduce the incidents of gun violence but it would reduce body counts and therefore save lives.

    Also, it’s important to focus on the issues that cause the ridiculous high incidents of gun violence in the United States. I think much of the problem can be attributed to people living in isolation, radicalizing, and lashing out at the world around them.  Unfortunately we tend to write this off as “mental health issues” and ignore the underlying problems.


  3. 10 minutes ago, Chewy's Hairy Horn said:

    Um...that's really bad. 

    It is but it’s par for the course.  Manafort himself might be FSB and if that’s the case, he will never flip.

    Sergey Kislyak, who was all up in the campaign with multiple people before and after the election is one of Russia’s top spies.  Kislyak’s father was a KGB legend during the Cold War.  



  4. Trump newish lawyer



    (Reuters) - A little-known former prosecutor with a doctorate in medieval history will play a central role on U.S. President Donald Trump's legal team, as many top-tier lawyers shy away from representing him in a probe into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election.

    Andrew Ekonomou, 69, is one of a handful of lawyers assisting Jay Sekulow, the main attorney representing Trump in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

    Sekulow told Reuters on Tuesday that after the departure of Washington attorney John Dowd from Trump's personal legal team last week, Ekonomou will assume a more prominent role. 

    Ekonomou said he has been working with Sekulow on the Mueller probe since June.

    The elevation comes at a crucial time in the Mueller probe, as Trump's team is negotiating the terms under which the president himself may be interviewed. Sekulow is now the last man standing of a trio of personal lawyers hired last spring to assist Trump on the probe. Combative New York lawyer Marc Kasowitz exited the team last summer.

    Sekulow said Ekonomou, who works under contract as an assistant district attorney in Brunswick, Georgia, was a "brilliant strategist" who has handled complex investigations for decades. Ekonomou assisted Sekulow in a famous case involving the religious group Jews for Jesus before the Supreme Court in the 1980s.

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