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Posts posted by Stilicho

  1. Thanks to all the above for the education. 

    I’m curious how this all plays out, especially for the “moderate” Rs. Joining with the Ds as a coalition to keep McCarthy speaker definitely puts a primary target on their back. I’ve already seen / heard the term “Uniparty” bandied about.

    But I assume most probably already have those targets for various other MAGA grievances. 

    It would warm my cold dead heart if Ds can flip some seats solely because an unsuccessful MAGA candidate runs 3rd party after losing a primary to a moderate R. 

    • Drool 1
  2. I'm having a hard time seeing any sort viable anti-Putin movement forming up out of whatever is left of the Russian middle / working class. If the oligarchs are sidelined and there's no money to throw behind a populist strongman (sorta like Prigozhin) this stalemate(?) has the potential to bring about an even nastier turn for Russian society, such as it is.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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