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Poe It Up

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Posts posted by Poe It Up

  1. 1 minute ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Yeah, no.

    See appraisal values factored by race, and see the fucked up gerrymandering your party establishes that even a bought and paid for SCOTUS cannot justify.

    See, I don’t mind if you guys believe this crazy stuff, just don’t teach it to children. 

    • Fuck You 6
  2. 37 minutes ago, SilasCoade said:

    So what's the theory? How does exposing children to said theory, which again, is not happening and never has, make the dumber?

    That our institutions are racist. It’s silly. Of course they won’t teach it, they’ve banned it and got ahead of these crazies. 

    • Fuck You 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    You think it warrants the attention of the state (and presumably federal) government. So yes you are scared


    You really should at least be able to give a proper explanation of what it is. Be something to talk about when your daughter brings her black boyfriend (or girlfriend) home for dinner

    It’s not fear, I think it’s a dumb theory and teaching it to children makes the dumber.

    I once picked up a date and her father was cleaning his shotgun. I can’t wait until she brings a guy home for dinner, it’s going to be hilarious. 

    • Fuck You 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    People get upset when their elected officials cause irreparable damage to their education system tilting at windmills to court the votes of mouth breathers. Yes. 

    the saddest thing is you are scared of something that you can’t even define

    Oh, I’m scared of some things alright. But not this hilarious “theory”. 

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    Interesting.  I've heard about CRT (not the cathode ray tube kind) but I don't know what it is.  Can you tell me?

    Yes, it’s a theory in which academia whackjobs sit around and sniff each others farts while telling each other how good they smell. 

    • Fuck You 18
  6. 12 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Lol. Which of his Florida policies have been good for that state in your opinion much less would be good applied to the country as a whole?

    I’ve gone over this several times before, but I’m a fan of his education bills. From banning CRT to SB 1054 which requires students to take a financial literacy course. Sign me up. 

    • Fuck You 3
    • Rage+1 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Js1 said:

    Did anyone care as much as Poe did about where Mike pence was between 2017 and 2021? Besides Mother 

    I was trying not to look at his face those 4 years, it really scares me for some reason. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    You know how the song Stan ends, right?

    Kind of, its been a while… now I’m thinking of Staind. 

    1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    I actually heard Ron speak for the first time a few weeks ago and was taken aback by how effeminate he seemed, speech pattern & mannerisms wise. Kind of funny. Trump’s going to shitfuck him worse than Mickey Mouse did.   

    Interesting, I didn’t pick up on that. He’s a bit nasally though. I don’t think it really matters unfortunately, although I’d love to be wrong. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. One of my friend’s dad just came out as a trans yesterday. Posted a pic of himself(herself now) and created a new Facebook profile. Kids seem supportive and she seems happy, so good story all around. First trans person I’ve ever personally known. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Right, because we actually agree, but because i made a post that had some semblance of seeing police as other humans instead of evil robots with a badge, you for some reason interpreted that as absolving them of all wrongdoing.

    Some of the finest men I knew growing up were police officers. They came over to my next door neighbor’s house and lifted weights. Back in the late 80’s it wasn’t if, it was when you got into a fight with a crackhead in Houston. I heard the craziest stories, especially about folks on angel dust. They were always worried about getting home to their family. Like we all are I suppose. 

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