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Posts posted by rickyspub

  1. 1 hour ago, Pancho Negro said:

    Per Kurt, CDC/Herman want to start playing more “iconic brands” and guess who ain’t on that list of iconic football teams?  Moreover, UT approached A&M.  A&M is the one who wasn’t interested apparently...


    Please no Pedo State! They are only an iconic brand among the NAMBLA crowd.

  2. 18 minutes ago, TheBryMan81 said:

    It's got to have been at least 15 years since any sort of mainstream music referenced the roof being on fire, right?

    Well there was that fire in the football team's equipment shed near the Texag offices just a couple of years ago right? Some say it was the day that the Station was first truly lit.

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  3. God dammit Roma. You alone have done more to turn the last few pages of this shit fest even shittier. This place is the same shit as it always. The 2018 thread probably looks golden because we got so many guys so early and we were all amazed at Herman's recruiting prowess.  

  4. 41 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    You seem to be confused. It appears that you think recruiting for 16/17/18 year old kids involves rational decision-making. I'm guessing in your mind there's some concept whereby coaches involved with the recruitment of a player are bound by honor, integrity, and truth and simply present facts unemotionally and without bias. The players and their parents, and I'm guessing you think it will undoubtedly be a two parent household in surburbia, will then calmly do their research, gather for multiple discussion sessions, and then robotically make their decision. 

    Decisions are made on emotion and then rationalized with whatever facts the decisionmaker can find in the aftermath. That's true when buying toothpaste. Emotions go higher and logic goes lower when the stakes on the decision are ratcheted up. 

    What you just postulated is pure fantasy. They're pushing their work with Jameis Winston and the college home of Johnny Manziel to any dual-threat QB who answers the phone, and it will ultimately work with one of them.

    This is what I have never understood about the appeal of aggy to your typical teenage football player. Their tweets and photos suggest a real adherence to the superficiality of 'cool', especially urban, hip-hop cool. Where does maintaining cool and being rational about being a winner in football lead any blue chipper to aggy? They have never been exceptional as a football program and everything about their school screams uncool.

    Many moons ago when aggy was still a high-quality institution of higher learning, especially in engineering, I never once thought about going there. My family came from outside of Texas and I had no longstanding ties with any particular in-state school to bias me against aggy. I wasn't cool in any way shape or form (still ain't) and was very conscious about my future based on the school I was going to choose. But I would have even picked Tech over aggy just to avoid being aggy for the rest of my life, not to mention their fake army and milkman cheerleaders.  

  5. 3 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Brewster was openly campaigning for a job on Herman's staff and also pushing for an offer from Lincoln Riley. He had no interest in going to College Station with Fisher. He's going to leave and follow the first competitive he fields. I think there's a strong chance it could happen before signing day unless there's some sort of buy-out that is prohibitive. I'd be interested in knowing what he's getting paid, because I guess the dumbasses in CS could be paying him so far above average that he's trapped. Whatever the realities of his contract, the guy hates it there and he can't wait to leave. I cannot wait to hear the bawling from aggies and recruits when he waves the deuce and heads out.

    But he said The Station is lit!!!!!  #IDon'tBeliveYouGIF

  6. 46 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I think it is important that we hold off on getting incredibly high and mighty at this time. The landscape is changing and Texas isn't trapped in a time warp back to 1985. Let things unfold on numerous recruitments. 

    Basically, aggy has to pay now to get commits, we will wait and pay later.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Clearly there is no market value for these players.  It's simple, on April 25th nobody in the country had ever heard of these guys and then over the next few days they just happened to be the names that were called.  If there was a market for them prior to April 26 then wouldn't you see reports of people paying these guys?  I know the NCAA forbids that, but still if the market was strong enough someone would have skirted the rules.

    We know many, many players who were paid under the table. Cam Newton came with a price tag of at least a few hundred thousand. That may be the high end of the market, but that is also the high end of risky, illegal payments. Many others have talked about getting thousands of dollars from boosters.

    College eats up the oxygen for a true football minor league. But I am certain if college football ceases to exist a minor league would quickly spring up and it would be filled with guys easily getting paid well into the mid-six figures that none of us will have heard of until they get called up to the NFL. Geez, right now Baylor could pay each of their 85-man roster $100,000 a season and still reap $22M in revenue just from their largely unearned share of the Big 12's T1/2 contract.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:


    He is being compensated fairly for his worth. There is no market for semi-pro football.


    I would say that Baylor managed to take in $30M+ in media rights this year (largely for football) says you're wrong.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Bob Lives! said:

    TrojanPrincess's vagina not nearly as sandy as the rest of Surly's.  No wipes needed. 

    I believe pics from the Princess are the necessary form of proof in this case.

  10. 44 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Remind me to send Mack some cookies. 

    I'm told it was actually Greg Davis sending Patterson a vat of animal cookies that actually kiboshed his interest in the Texas job.

  11. 53 minutes ago, ousux said:

    "Maybe Shepherd if you're lucky (hough I think tu finishes 3rd behind us and Bama)"


    Wtf does that mean, if Shepherd goes to Bama it will automatically put aggy in second place? Maybe I missed that category on 247..Lolz. that gomer would sincerely rather have Shepherd help Bama whip aggy ass than see him go to the Horns.







    aggy spent their history in the SWC and Big 12 attacking their conference mates in an obvious attempt to hide their deep insecurities. Then they go to the SEC and it's like they have come out of the closet and openly fellate and drop trow for their new conference mates. Then to top it off, in the era of Trump, they hire an actual, honest to goodness cuck and guarantee him $75M. I can't decide if they'll hire Caligula or Rupaul as their next AD. 

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