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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. I hope we practiced defending the wildcat.
  2. Holy shit the play calling and execution has been so erotic.
  3. my man had a real o-line. I wish bijan did.
  4. Bijan is so good. Every run has TD potential with him.
  5. Except for Louisiana Monroe, UTSA, Bama or WVU, yeah you're right.
  6. Okay can we go fucking score now please? Fuck sake.
  7. haha. We just gonna get flagged all the way down the field.
  8. Ford is night and day since just a few games ago. Best true LB on the team. (Overshown is some other kind of freak).
  9. He can't call post routes when we're on defense for 10 minutes?
  10. Spider2YIdiot. The play calls are pretty fucking good. Stop being a dildo.
  11. I don't blame sark for any of the offensive woes today. When we stall, its our players not executing. Dropped passes, bad passes, Card derping. (which he did a plus derp for 20 yards lol)
  12. This is, quite literally, exactly not just like last week.
  13. We've stopped pressuring to burn clock and allow them to score. Mensa.
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