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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTGrad98

  1. 1 hour ago, troph said:

    So what is the new rule if not 4%

    I’ll be a bit honest I’m decent at making money by taking risks or working more and I like it - been practicing (no pun intended) for 21 years. 

    what I would not know how to do is convert to passive income that is safe(r) entirely. We have passive income that is risky, and it’s harder to create. Just not sure what the retirement strategies even are.

    I love to work and I love doing deals even more so. I think working until the end is appealing but there is a competing desire. I never really went for it adventure style when I was young. I’ve gone for it in business and clearly personally and it’s just in my DNA. I never walk up to the craps table because rolling the dice is a daily thing for me. But the extreme adventure thing is the glaring hole. Things like  sailing trans Atlantic if not a full circumnavigation. Living in Europe, multi week expeditions in South America. I’m afraid I’m going to have to do that to have a life fulfilled.  I think that means retirement or at least working part time.

    I have a minimum of 6 years, 5 to get my youngest into college and then one to adjust and then go. 

    so what the fuck is the strategy when you say hey I’m done (or at least partially done)?

    I hate to say this but it honestly depends on the person and their desires. I will say having a partner who works helps tremendously. I am responsible for my part of the total expenses. My wife is responsible for her part. It makes things a hell of a lot cheaper when calculating all of this. In terms of moving to more conservative strategies, if you were to put the bulk of your money in a 30 year note at 3.9%, could you live off the interest it makes while doing the things you want? Id start there. If not, what is the % return you need to stop working and live off the interest with what you currently have saved, properties etc? That % is what you want to shoot for and how conservative (or not) with your investments youll need to be. In terms of being partially done. Id advocate for everyone is go part time first if they can. My mind set right now is, I have enough, why do I need more than enough? My strategy is the next year or 2 will show if I can keep my standard of living while working 12-16 hours a week. If I can, Ill contemplate working even less or full retirement.  I did read (and agree with) where those who are able to save say 50+% or so of their income already have a lower standard of living and are practicing for when they retire. Id also try that first. If you make 200k a year and only save 20k, then you have to account for that and either find a return that yields you 180k per year or reduce your expenses to equal a more conservative yield like 4-6%. As an example, for me, the percent return I need to never touch my principle of my retirement is ~3.5%. My investment strategies are based off that.

    • Like 1
  2. I resigned. Got another job so i had to go through with it. 1 day on, 6 days off. I know the 6 days a week off is implied but I like typing it. I will stay on with my current employer until they find a replacement for me. That's fine. I also offered to stay on as needed. Maybe 1 shift every 2 weeks and to help train my replacement. They accepted. I made a compromise with myself. My new work week will allow me to continue to pay my portion of the bills while allowing our nest egg to grow compounding on itself. I can also still save and invest some of my income per month but obviously much much less. Feels like a win. And I can always go back to work full time if my math is wrong. Narrator: it's not. In other news my brother, best friend and I finished our video game demo and are currently working on the full game. It's a hack n slash. Bought Rosetta stone to learn Spanish. Am going to start some home depot classes so I can be a bit more handy around the house. Online coding classes, reading some books, working out/meditation, playing some saved up video games, and watching breaking bad are also on my to do list. All and all a good day.


    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 2
    • Drool 1
  3. Played for the first time during their final beta test this past weekend. Didnt enjoy the necro as much as I thought I would but thoroughly enjoyed the sorcerer so that will be my first character. Chain lightning with fireball enchantment is pretty fucking awesome. Will be running a lightning build. My brother is going Druid.

  4. That chart did not do what I thought it would do back in 2011. Common sense says the VIX slowly moves up this week with a larger move on Friday if nothing is done. Then next week it really goes crazy. But looking at the chart above, the real movement in the VIX came after the deal was done and our credit rating took a hit, not before.

    What I want to know is which House members are shorting the market over the next 2 weeks. Do they have to disclose real time or like quarterly? 

  5. Still having issues with ads popping up on my phone only. I deleted all cookies, browsing history and it did not work. I don't get the ads on the main page when I initially come to the site on my phone. Only when I go into the different subsections like 6th street journal, I pee in her butt.etc. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    What shucks is people defending shooting a fleeing man in the back for theft - and deciding you are judge and jury and you get to unilaterally impose capital punishment for that theft.

    Maybe the agenda is this simple: don’t shoot people in the back when they are fleeing.

    Is it that simple if the guy said he was coming back with a gun or with others? Because that shit happens too. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    Thieves are assholes and I hold ones stealing from a gun store particularly low. But death isn't the punishment for stealing, much less at the hands of random joe blow civilian.

    This is a slippery slope and not like the other 2 horrible acts we have threads on currently.  This isnt ringing a doorbell by mistake or pulling into a wrong driveway. The man robbed a gun store. What was said beforehand to the employee? What did the man have with him when he did it? The title of the article and the article itself was written with an agenda. Frankly that article sucked. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Got right up to the edge of quitting. For the last week I had made up my mind I was done. Even set a quit date. This Tuesday.  Used up all my pto. Then I did our taxes today and realized my wife doesn't make shit and stepped back. I think this is going to end up like quitting smoking or drinking where it takes a few tries. Now I'm back to early next year as my date. Wife was relieved when I told her. She was getting nervous she'd have to start spending her own money on things. 

    • Haha 3
  9. Anyone care to give the pros and cons of JEPI. I currently have about 5% of my investment portfolio in this and have had it for a few months. Its a covered call ETF and set to be the top actively managed ETF due to the influx of people jumping on this. My rough understanding is this etf invests primarily in top 100 companies across all sectors. " Every stock in the fund is capped at 2%, while sectors are capped at 17.5%."

    Correct me if Im wrong but this would be a good play for a downward market, a side ways market, and a slow moving upward market. The only downside is gains are capped if the stocks rise too quickly. It pays a monthly dividend and the yield is about 11% due to option premiums and individual stock dividends. That is my rudimentary understanding of it. The reason I ask is I am wanting to significantly increase my exposure as high as 25% or even more but want to do some more due diligence first. Here is one of the articles that I quoted above.  Someone convince me this is the wrong play and there is a serious risk to this type of investment.


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