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Certifiably Surly
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1918 Surly 10%

About UTGrad98

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  1. I'm excited to vote this year because... 1. I prefer we keep our democracy. 2. I prefer a woman have control over her own body 3. In regards to social security, Medicare, and our deficit, I prefer we tax the ultra wealthy to help keep those programs afloat/control the deficit rather than cut benefits. (Although managing the deficit will require both increasing taxes and cutting spending) 4. I prefer to help the Republicans see they need to change their platform and ideology in order to have any hopes of winning another election rather than having trump win and reinforce their current platform of overt fascism. I prefer a 2 party system where I have to put thought into who I will vote for in any given election.
  2. It will come down to whether the military will follow orders from a Democrat president in January 2025. If it gets to that point, that is. Until then everything else is just grandstanding and empty threats and I'm not super worried about an actual civil war. If the schisms in the military are worse than what most would believe, then my family's move to mexico will have to be moved up a couple years.
  3. If you're gonna cleanse our race, close our borders, you gotta have enough poors to do the shitty jobs. Isn't that the end game?
  4. Woke up this morning thinking this really is the last stand election for both parties. The last breath of hatred bigotry and fascism vs a black woman running for president. Project 2025 feels like the fascists last non violent attempt for control. By contrast, whether or not it's by choice, this is the year the democrats put up a black woman to see if we are far enough along in this country to not only elect our first woman president, but also throwing in she is black too. It's like increasing the difficulty level on your favorite video game playing with a hardcore character. I hope we are there.
  5. I've been wondering about the foundation for this behavior for years. I've asked some of my black female friends and I couldn't get a firm answer. Is it the male dominance trump puts out that resonates with them? Male Hispanics, especially Cuban males also.have been said to be drawn to this way of thinking.....I guess even at the expense of their right to vote ?
  6. So Shapiro if the dems are nervous about their chances and cooper if they feel emboldened, as they would feel Pennsylvania looks safe. Or would it be the other way around?
  7. Good for Joe. You served your country as best as you could do and I commend that. A servant of the people till the end.
  8. Looking at historical daily temps for dfw flower mound, it seems the absolute hottest days of the year are the first few days in August. Then average highs and lows start to decrease. The average highs/lows on August 1st are 98/77 and by the end of the month are 93/72. This is on the weather underground almanac.
  9. Do you think biden has thought what his legacy would be if he runs and loses to trump with even 10% of project 2025 making it into legislation?
  10. I've always thought when people said we are in a simulation, that they were just being funny. Seemed too far fetched. Now I believe there is a non zero chance we are a must see tv show for a highly advanced alien race who has had us in some type of matrix/Truman show since the 50s. Ratings were down in 2019 so here we are.
  11. I read this as " young people are going to vote this time, really."
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