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Certifiably Surly
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1812 Surly 10%

About UTGrad98

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  1. Markets dont seem to like stagflation. Volcker the rate up to 6% and lets get it over with. Id rather have a rate shock and 2-3 quarters of a recession to reset everything than whatever this is.
  2. Where is the choice...he will be convicted of crimes, become a felon and still will be elected president because that is how fucking stupid our society has become. It is going to be a shit show. Just pray the markets aren't in free fall come late October. If they are anything is possible. And we will deserve every fucked up part of what comes next.
  3. "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant." - Maximilien de Robespierre
  4. Market isn't gonna like Israel bombing Iran tonight.
  5. Bonds, and bond funds specifically, can suck my dick.
  6. Fill up your tanks today. Gas prices gonna jump this week.
  7. Elbow in. No big circular sweeping motions going back there like I normally do. Elbow in and straight back.
  8. 3 of us now have multi week shoulder injuries. The hamstring will get those remaining and this will be a spectacular fail. I don't even need to cheat with how our bodies are giving out 1 by 1. I just need to be the last one standing the day we do this it seems. We are all in the 43-51 age range. Update today is its not as bad as I was fearing. I'm gonna take the next 2 weeks off lifting but I can drive/turn the wheel, shower, carry milk, brush my teeth, and wipe my ass without pain although i have to be deliberate in my movements. It's my dominant arm that was fucked but I didn't think I'd be able to do any of those things today. Range of motion also improved in the past 24 hours, markedly. Not gonna try much weight bearing activities though for at least a week.
  9. No change in this year's appraisal but I'll be paying more due to homestead exemption and the 10% increase limit from last year.
  10. Our fantasy football draft order this year is determined by how many times we can rep 135, our vertical, and our 40 time. Basically a combine for slow white old dudes.
  11. I had an unintentional movement and reposition on my back/lower legs while bringing the weight down and had an awkward bar reposition. Felt a muscle "jiggle" in my shoulder area. Stopped and went home. Now the muscle in between my left TRAP and shoulder blade on my back is in pain when I move my arm around. Nothing hurts per se when Im still but its looking like its gonna get worse before it gets better. No issue on my chest. Initially I felt the jiggle in my left shoulder but now the pain is really on that upper back area. What did I do? how long am I out? What do I need to do to recover? I took 4 advil and am icing my shoulder and upper back area on my left side. Getting old sucks Pain is where the supraspinatus muscle is on the back side and then the front shoulder deltoid like where my bursa is.
  12. Navy Seals use box breathing to reduce stress and anxiety. I use it and it helps with most any situation where im nervous or stressed. Breathe in 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4. repeat. See below. To begin the practice, expel all of the air from your chest. Keep your lungs empty for a four-count hold. Then, perform your inhalation through the nose for four counts. Hold the air in your lungs for a four-count hold. When you hold your breath, do not clamp down and create back pressure. Rather, maintain an expansive, open feeling even though you are not inhaling. When ready, release the hold and exhale smoothly through your nose for four counts. This is one circuit of the box-breathing practice. https://www.medicinenet.com/why_do_navy_seals_use_box_breathing/article.htm
  13. I'll get the same use out of that tux as I would my solar eclipse glasses.
  14. Ive thought about it and while Im sure you wont keep any logs, this is the first thing that popped into my head when I read that. The P in VPN stands for porn, at least for me. So with that... I have to keep my Asian fetishes to myself.
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