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Certifiably Surly
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About shakahorn

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  1. I wouldn’t try to read too much into this. Seems like generic pol-speak that darn near every prez nominee has spit out.
  2. Tell me you don't know anything about time zones without telling me you don't know anything about time zones.
  3. That's what I thought when Lil Marco was mentioned as a top candidate, but never heard about it then.
  4. It is kind of odd that when the pudding line is supposed to come in, there is nothing. I don't think I've ever heard that version.
  5. Gotdamn even Charlie would've done better than that.
  6. This is the part I never get. Not just hispanics, all minorities. You think you're safe? No, you're next. I never laughed so much as when an Asian woman (no pics assholes) told me "I can't be next, I'm a naturalized US citizen."
  7. I actually do something very similar wrt to the lawsuits challenging the 2020 election. I say 'the R's filed 70+ something lawsuits and lost every single one of them.' And sometimes a 'smart' guy will say, no they actually won one. Which turned out to be moot.
  8. Wow so Mr. Alpha Male plays from the ladies tees? Lemme guess, Trump wanted to play from the tips but Dechambeau insisted on playing from the ladies tees.
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