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Certifiably Surly
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19140 Surly 1%

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  1. Bummer they don't have a GOP governor. Probably coulda snagged a pardon
  2. wasn't this written during a time when Donald Trump was facing multiple charges for violating federal criminal law?
  3. The sticker is real, but its being placed on toilets by a group opposed to attack on Trans individuals by the state. Hope they put them everywhere.
  4. @realgreggym
  5. I think you're taking things a bit too seriously here. It was supposed to be funny and relatable. As part of that 50%, I certainly wasn't offended.
  6. quick, someone start a punting academy in South Africa
  7. Walk me through the benefits of getting rid of the CFPB. Beyond the "it's making people mad so it must be good" argument that you're apparently trying to run with.
  8. and then was stung in the face by a pack of bees
  9. Looking forward to the biopic of his rise and fall starring Jon Voight as kyle
  10. except old people then were also bitching about how that wasn't music. Then the old people in the 90s cried about Grunge being an abomination to music.
  11. Boy, I'm glad you guys didn't watch the Grammys. Holy shit.
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