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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. Almost posted this the other day about ol’ Goose.
  2. Fractured shoulder for Xander, out at least a a month. Arraez trade looks real good now.
  3. Only 5, but fucking Fried is dealing again. Pitch count is actually decent this time.
  4. Bruce, use your fucking challenge.
  5. Well, cue the goddamn fucking elephants.
  6. Was gonna say Nate should be benched tomorrow, but it's Wheeler, we can't do it then.
  7. Honest question, @closetohumping, because you’re a goddamn idiot normally. Did something traumatic happened to you as a youngster? I sincerely hope your stupidity isn’t 100% adult.
  8. I will never understand the stupid mother fuckers that don’t read the posts above.
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